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New & need quick help!

Postby Kuklahurts » 16 Jun 2012, 17:09

Hello, I'm new to the forum and need your advice. I have been having pain since mid April & it has escalated to severe in the last three weeks. It is so bad that it is zapping me of energy & I am super tired.
Long story short - I had rectal pain& a hemorrhoid during pregnancy 10 yrs ago. I have had occasional pain/bleeding but it usually clears up quickly. This round has been unrelenting. I can't get in to see the
GI doc until July 6th for a scheduled colonoscopy. I broke down yesterday & went to a walk in clinic & he took a look and said I had a hem rood with a cut/fissure on top. He prescribed hydrocortisone suppositories 3X a day and gave me lidocaine ointment. I had been taking protofoam and prior to that the same suppository with out any relief.
I feel like the suppository aggravates the pain & the lidocaine ointment does nothing.
The worst part is that I am suppose to fly to Barcelona for a Euopre Cruise next Tuesday & I don't want to go. The hubs doesn't understand Image any ideas for a quick fix? I need to be better for the loooonnngnggg flight ! Image
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Re: New & need quick help!

Postby Kuklahurts » 16 Jun 2012, 17:12

Hem rood = hemorrhoid & Euopre = Europe. I love it how the IPad corrects me! :roll:
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Re: New & need quick help!

Postby workingonit » 17 Jun 2012, 08:12

I wouldn't use the hydrocortizone. IMO
It never seems to help fissures.
You would be better off seeing a colorectal surgeon than a GI. Not that you need surgery, but it's their specialty.
I wonder if your 'hemorrhoid' is actually a sentinel. It is a common mistake to make and my own GP thought my sentinel was a hemmie.
Unfortunately there is not a quick fix. It will take patience and resolve to heal fully so that this never happens again.
There are plenty of things you could try.
-But first of all you need to gain control of your BMs til they are soft like soft serve ice-cream, or toothpaste.
-Never strain or push when you have a BM.
-Reduce your stress. Leave chores undone, eat leftovers, watch fluffy movies, read trash, go for easy walks.
-topicals will not cure anything, but can help. There are many, and everyone has their favourite. The more popular prescription ones are nifedipine, nitroglycerine and diltiazem. The more popular non-prescription are aloe vera, coconut oil, lanolin, dr. wheatgrass, manuka honey, musk hemorrhoid cream, sweet bee magic cream etc. I've tried them all.
-when you start to heal, do not let up on the diet that keeps your BMs soft. Keep your BMs soft for months after you heal, so you don't retear.
-make it a life long change to drink more water and eat more vegetables. I have a rule of thumb of two types of vegetable/fruit servings per meal.
Hope this helps!
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