I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well, but I do know what you mean about the slow healing process! I'm still healing too. I still bleed a very little bit with BMs, and there is still the tiniest bit of exudate (mostly clear or milky) when I press some TP against my butt - like maybe a bit more than a pinhead amount . My doc checked me out last week and said the fistulotomy wound is pretty much healed, but that there is likely some tissue a bit deeper inside that is irritated. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for April because my doc wants to make sure everything is definitely healed and in good shape by then.
How much puss are you getting? Are you sure it's pus and not just normal exudate? My doc also said I would heal in a month, then another and then another :roll: . But I can see that I am pretty much healed and the blood and exudate have slowed down A LOT over the last few weeks. So my guess is that yours will soon too.
I'm actually pretty happy - like you, I have no pain (KOW!) and I am living my life normally again. I even had some beer too!

Here's to our completely healthy, happy butts, hopefully early in the new year! :D