by phillyinpain » 10 May 2016, 22:05
hi everyone!
I had my LIS today about 9 hours ago and so far, things are going great. Immediately following surgery, I had absolutely no pain and only started to have it as I was leaving/on my way home. When I got home I took 800mg Motrin while my grandmom went and filled my pain pill presciption. When she got home, I held off taking the pain pill because of the fear of constipation and because the Motrin was working. it's now been 7 hours since I took the first and only dosage of Motrin and I'm still experiencing no pain! I have taken two sitz baths since I've been home. it's a little sore if I move too quickly, but other than that I am pleasantly surprised. I am scared for when I have to go to the bathroom, but I will come back and update so that I can be a resource to those like myself who loved posts like these. Hope I help someone feel better about going for it!