Round Two

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Round Two

Postby Jstaub29 » 28 Dec 2019, 18:24

My first fissure occurred when giving birth to my son. My doctor kept telling me I had a hemorrhoid and for 9 agonizing weeks she treated me with hemorrhoid medicine, which only irritated the fissure. I kept telling her I thought it was a fissure. I finally saw a specialist. By this time my fissure was chronic. I had LIS surgery, then had two abscesses back to back. 1 year after giving birth, I was finally cleared by my doctor. It was the most overwhelming and painful experience of my life.

Fast forward 9 months and it’s back. The fissure site would always get sensitive during my period, but this felt more intense. I immediately made an appointment with my colorectal doctor. He proscribed nifedipine, because it helped last time. About a week after starting the nifedipine, the pain increased. I haven’t experienced pain or blood when going to the bathroom since starting the nifedipine and miralax, instead the fissure feels very tender and even hard. Could this be do to scar tissue? No fever or puss. I experience pain throughout the day, and it’s worst in the evenings, but it’s not spasms. If I sit wrong or walk, it feels like a burning sensation. I have an appointment on Monday to get it checked out, since the pain has increased.

I’m so scared to go through this again and am really struggling mentally and emotionally.
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Re: Round Two

Postby North West Jen » 14 Jan 2020, 23:24

Hello! This is exactly what it feels like for me. I had Botox for a fissure, which abscesses and got a low fistula. Had fistula surgery and now have scare tissue that filled in. After not feeling completely normal ever by pretty much Systoms you’ve described above, I went new CRS (old CRS referred me to this new CRS) and she did a very thorough exam. Turns out my internal sphincter is tight and I’m getting tiny tears next to my scar tissue. No spasms, but just an achy and sometimes tight feeling. I also sometimes feel irritated like I have a wound there. Everyday is different I feel like. Somedays are good and somedays are worse. I am scheduled for LIS on January 27th. She is also going to clean out the scar tissue and cauterize it.
North West Jen
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