Search found 232 matches: Fistula

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Daily routine with fistula?

Hi fellow fistula sufferers Preamble: I went to hospital a few weeks ago, for my first botox injection for a fissure. It turned out the fissure is actually a fistula (posterior midline, "12 o'clock"). I was sent home ...
by Benny Lee
24 May 2016, 03:19
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Daily routine with fistula?
Replies: 2
Views: 1501

Shakespeare and Anal Fistula

From All's Well That Ends Well , Act I, scene 1: BERTRAM What is it, my good lord, the king languishes of? LAFEU A fistula, my lord. BERTRAM I heard not of it before. LAFEU I would it were not notorious. According to this article abstract : Textual and contextual evidence suggests ...
by dmcff
01 Apr 2016, 05:34
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Shakespeare and Anal Fistula
Replies: 3
Views: 1076

Post Fistula Surgery Questions

... that he had found something "interesting". After getting dressed, he gave me the unfortunate news that I had developed a superficial fistula that would require surgery. He stated that he wouldn't know how complicated the surgery was until I was under knife. Fortunately, the surgery ...
by Hemm44
27 Mar 2016, 12:24
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Post Fistula Surgery Questions
Replies: 1
Views: 1069

Fistula Surgery

I am in the 10 day after fistula surgery, my concern now is the amount of diarrhea that continues to pass through. My advise is to use recti-care cream before passing stool it will numb the pain as stool pass by your incision, it contains ...
by Kmart
23 Mar 2016, 06:55
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Fistula Surgery
Replies: 10
Views: 1909

Fistula Surgery and local anesthesia

Hi all I am slated for fistula surgery at the end of March. My doctor is a colo rectal specialist and performs this in his office under local anesthesia. I wanted to know if anyone has had this surgery with a local and how it was for ...
by reiver416
11 Feb 2016, 19:48
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Fistula Surgery and local anesthesia
Replies: 0
Views: 1123

extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

... more with the honey. Now at my followup that was yesterday, I learn that the new big lump was a hemorrhoid and the original abscess developed a fistula. He said that the fistula doesn't have a second opening and that is small but requires surgery. Has anyone gone through anything similar to ...
by iandv
06 Feb 2016, 19:15
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: extremely scared of fistula surgery like most
Replies: 4
Views: 2169

Should I get screened for Crohn's before fistula surgery?

I am a 27 y/o male about to get surgery for a fistula diagnosed a couple of months ago. I have a history of intestinal problems going back to 2008 (gas, cramps, diarrhea). Doctor said I either had IBS, Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. I didn't have ...
by Rex2120
25 Jan 2016, 21:49
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Should I get screened for Crohn's before fistula surgery?
Replies: 10
Views: 4958

Fistula after LIS

It's been 2.5 weeks since my LIS and I think I have a fistula. There's a deep wound lateral to my anus and no matter how many times I wipe there is always stool present. I had my husband push on the area and stool came out. Also I've seen pus when I ...
by ScarabWarrior
23 Jan 2016, 14:25
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Fistula after LIS
Replies: 4
Views: 1560

8 year fistula 2x surgery

... be comforting and relative for ppl to hear in my situation. I am one of those people who are going to come back with a POSITIVE outcome from low fistula surgeries. I know many people never look back....but i have spent hours reading here and I want to give some hope. I had surgery last year after ...
by 8yearfistula
21 Jan 2016, 23:28
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: 8 year fistula 2x surgery
Replies: 1
Views: 426

Had Fistula, fissure, hemorrhoids. Hello, new to the forum!

... times for sinus infections and colds. He NEVER described the importance of an I&D on the abscess and after three drainages I had developed a fistula. I went in for a fistulotomy on sept 22. I was lucky enough to have a small superficial fistula that only took three weeks to heal into a scar. ...
by restoringfaith
11 Jan 2016, 19:49
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Had Fistula, fissure, hemorrhoids. Hello, new to the forum!
Replies: 1
Views: 1487

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