Sentinel pile/hem swelling

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Sentinel pile/hem swelling

Postby runner99 » 02 May 2017, 22:21

I've been treating this fissure for some weeks now and I'm noticing that since February (when the fissure started) the skin above it has enlarged quite a lot. It will enlarge a bit after a BM but then after a warm bath the swelling will go down. However, I'm starting to get a bit worried that this thing is NEVER going to shrink back to normal size, or even worse, it's just going to continue getting bigger. It's a bit odd because it's not round, it's on the thinner side, but still swollen if that makes sense? It's about the size of my thumbnail now. I'm also noticing it's starting to split.

Ugh, once I start to get something under control, another problem gets worse unfortunately.

Anyone else ever have very large hems that eventually shrunk? How did you get it to shrink down again? I'd just love to get this fissure & swelling to go away so I can get back to my normal life again and not have to plan everything around when I go to the bathroom.
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Re: Sentinel pile/hem swelling

Postby mmklinemm » 06 May 2017, 10:05

If it's a sentinel pile, it's there to protect the area while the fissure heals. It will eventually shrink down. If it's inflamed and bothering you, a small amount of hydrocortisone will help. Use as little as possible, and don't use too often.
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Re: Sentinel pile/hem swelling

Postby runner99 » 08 May 2017, 15:02

Ahh, thank you. It's good to know that the swelling actually serves a purpose instead of just being a nuisance!
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