Sexual relations after fistula surgery/seton placement?

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Re: Sexual relations after fistula surgery/seton placement?

Postby shouldi » 03 Dec 2012, 01:34

Agree Diamond, it does make you feel like all or nothing, i explained that to my hubby that with all the creams and potions i put on before going to bed i feel dirty... and just dont fancy anything...
i to have a very understanding husband who has had to put up with this for just on a year, but also i have had 9 surgery,s in the last 10 years, so he is very understanding to it all, i am very lucky :D
you will get there Diamond, just think not long..
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Re: Sexual relations after fistula surgery/seton placement?

Postby diamond2 » 13 Dec 2013, 01:04

Thanks Shouldi. I'm back to some activity in the bedroom.. my wound is still healing - although at this point it looks like a scratch and now we're trying to get it to close up (form that final layer of skin). I do feel sore though from time to time so have to take it easy. It's definitely very easy to feel very non-lady like :(

Hope you are doing well and getting better!
Salt Bather
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