Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

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Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 30 Aug 2020, 12:49

So I finally got an appt with a new gastro, who didn’t examine me, but I explained my history with fissures. He ordered me a Sigmoid scope on September 8. They’re going to sedate me for it as well. Can anyone tell me their experience with it afterward? Did it irritate your fissure or make it worse? Were you in pain all day afterward? I’m really concerned about it.

Also just to express a current fear, I just had a BM and there was much more blood than I’ve ever had with a BM. In fact, lately I’ve barely been bleeding at all. I’ve had hemorrhoids before, so does this much blood sound like it was from that or the fissure? My stool had a ton of blood all on one side of it, if that helps. Should I call my gastro in the morning just to let them know that? It really freaked me out and I’ve been sobbing about it for a half hour. Thanks to anyone who can answer either question!
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby chachacha » 30 Aug 2020, 23:07

I wasn't sedated for my flex sigmoidoscopy, and was able to watch it on a screen with my CRS. I didn't have any pain afterward, except maybe some slight discomfort for a few minutes. I would imagine that every case is different though, because things like the technician's skill level, the location of the fissure, the condition of the fissure, etc. would not be the same.

You should absolutely call the gastro tomorrow, because you're clearly worried. I'm not saying that because I believe that something is wrong (I'm NOT a doctor), but if you call they will be able to tell you not to be concerned, or will tell you that you should go in to see them.

Good luck with the call tomorrow and the appointment on the 8th. Please keep us posted.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 07 Sep 2020, 10:50

My flex scope is scheduled for 7 AM tomorrow morning. I need to do two enemas for it two hours before hand. I’ve never done an enema before, and I’m in a lot of pain down there today, so I’m worried that I won’t be able to make it work, or I’ll be too swollen or in too much pain. I know I need to try to relax about all of this. I’m happy to get the scope and hopefully find a solution to all of this, but it all feels so scary right now. Any experiences with enemas while having a fissure would be appreciated!
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 09 Sep 2020, 05:12

Update: Yesterday was my scope and I’m still not feeling close to answers. When I woke up from sedation the Dr told me I have a small superficial fissure, only external. He gave me the number of a CRS and said if it’s getting worse to contact him. But it’s been getting worse for a couple weeks now. I bleed almost every day and I’m constantly in pain. So I called that Dr right when I got home and the earliest appt I could get was two weeks from now :( Sometimes I feel like I can’t survive living like this until then. I suppose it’s good news that the fissure doesn’t look all that bad. But I don’t understand why it won’t heal. Anyway, I’ll keep updating once I see the CRS.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby chachacha » 09 Sep 2020, 09:22

At least you have a diagnosis now and will learn even more once you see the CRS. I don't know where you live, but I don't think that a two week wait is unusual for a specialist appointment. I know that it's hard for you though, but just keep your eye on the prize and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel (npi). Also, can you ask the CRS if he/she can put you on a waiting list in case another patient cancels?

Do you happen to eat nuts, popcorn or sharp chips? All of those items can be rough going through the passage and rip the skin over and over again, not allowing it to heal.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 09 Sep 2020, 09:29

No I try to stay away from things that I know won’t fully digest. I try to eat a fair amount of fiber from veggies and fruits, and I also eat a high fiber bread. I drink lots of water and I have been taking two stool softeners a day recently (I upped it from one a day ever since this problem has gotten worse). I think that’s where some of my frustration comes from. I feel like I’m doing so many things to help myself have soft stool and to help me heal, but just nothing is coming of it lately. I’ll hang in there until my appt. I was hoping maybe he would suggest Botox, but from reading some things on here, it sounds like Botox hasn’t worked very well for many people, but LIS has. So now I’m not sure what direction I should go in, if the CRS offers both suggestions to me.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby chachacha » 09 Sep 2020, 09:37

It may be chronic now though, and not able to heal on its own.

My CRS did not believe that Botox worked, so I didn't have that problem. You might want to do more research on both solutions, over the next two weeks, so that you can have a better-informed conversation with the CRS.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 22 Sep 2020, 09:37

I have an update! I just met with the CRS this morning. He did an exam and even put a scope there (I’ve had four or five really good days and now it feels like he’s torn it open again :( ). He gave me some nitro that he makes as samples in his office since I can’t afford the brand name stuff. He said I can call if that doesn’t work and he’ll get me nifedipine to try. I’ve used nitro before and it worked for a time, but this is an issue I’ve had for a couple years off and on now. I thought maybe I could find a more permanent solution. He mentioned surgery almost as an afterthought, that I could call him and say I want it if nothing else works. I just think I had the idea going in today that I’d be basically setting a date for surgery, but the CRS didn’t seem like he was thinking in that direction. I guess I’ll try to nitro again for a time. Maybe I should be grateful that he doesn’t think it looks that bad to suggest surgery immediately? I just want an end to this. Feeling very discouraged.
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby chachacha » 22 Sep 2020, 17:27

I understand your disappointment, but I suppose that giving it a little longer to heal might be prudent. And at least he said that he will perform the surgery if things don't improve soon. How long are you going to give it?
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Re: Sigmoid Flex Scope - questions?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 22 Sep 2020, 19:08

I actually finally had no pain after a BM today for the first time in a very long time. I could feel it starting to get better for a few days, but maybe the nitro he used at the appt put me over the edge today! So I’ll keep using the nitro for a couple weeks to make sure it’s totally gone. I’ve just been suffering on and off for three years so I just want this time to be the last. Definitely don’t want to keep having this issue every few months!
If in a month or so I’m back to a pain level I was just a week before this (like an 8 of 10) I’ll reassess my options.
Thanks so much for the support! I really do appreciate it.
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