by William2 » 01 Apr 2017, 12:17
I've been taking sitz baths in the bathtub, but wanted to try out the toilet based one. Besides the time and energy savings, I like the cleaning without having to use paper. That doesn't happen with bathtubs ones because your cheeks get pushed together. I've used one before, but that was for hemorrhoids. I've been worried that the toilet-based on would be bad for fissures for the same reason that donut cushions are: they spread your cheeks and pull on the anal area. However, it seems like most people here are ok with them.
I tried the toilet one today and it did seem to slightly hurt. Unfortunately, I think I'm going have to stay away from them.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
1/17 - present: fissure/hemms, healed but pain remained, 3 CRSs (nifedipine, infrared coag) were no help, cold dilating >= 1" helped but still have pain when sitting