Yes, it seems as though almost all rectal conditions have the same symptoms. Mine could not be seen until i had anoscopy, it was internal. Are you able to work and do your everyday routine now? He did say that the veins higher up can inflat, inflame and press and pull against the levator muscles, he recommended this bioflavanoid that is all natural and used for vein and anal health, although it has not been tested for levator, he has been using it himself and for his patients and they have had great success with it, some have not been back for their Levator Physical Therapy, since using this, also he said simple Aleve 2 times a day and cramp bark all natural are very effective and powerful, and possibly GABA. Our bodies are able to heal themselves miraculously. He also suggested still using the nitro. have you continued with that? Additionally hemp oil salve with essential oils, I know we want a quick fix but sometimes we have to work from the inside out. I have a physio appt next week with a pelvic floor specialist. Also considering accupuncture have you tried? PS the specialist is in Beverly Hills CA he is highly recommended.