Spasms continuing after healed?!

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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 03 Feb 2017, 14:20

Gg, oh thank God, that sounds soo good, yes, I do feel that the diosmin is helping I too have the same muscle pain burning tightness etc...constantly as you, I am thinking that this could work since the specialist told me this causes multiple muscles including levator which are connected to the tailbone as well. go into chronic hypertonicity. (I too could not tolerate physio at this time) but he is convinced that once this builds and renews healthy cells in the canal then the tightness and pulling etc which has gotten into the muscle memory will end this cycle and the tissues will soften and relax back to normal. It could take some time, he has had excellent results with this since 2012 he since my age and how many children I have had (6) need to try this. I know in my heart we are going to be better very soon. Are your current symptoms still the same?
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 03 Feb 2017, 19:58

HI Quick Question was the MRI for colon or intestines, my Doctor now recommends a colonoscopy but I know I could not bear another procedure after botox right now it so heightened everything again. When did you have colonoscopy? My surgeon did not seem to think I needed it he did the anascope under sedation. I suppose since I only had a phone consultation with this Dr. he would be remiss not to recommend --maybe if things start to simmer down.. But for now I have to have some relief for a bit. Also I have read some very promising threads here, old but seem as though many were like us and recovered eventually very well most around 9 months though it seems some alittle longer.
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 03 Feb 2017, 19:58

also, most LIS posts are positive...
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 03 Feb 2017, 19:59

Have you heard from Reighleysmama? Hers seemed to go well.
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 03 Feb 2017, 20:48

Hi mamafizz - the colonoscopy was really not that bad and my fissure was at it's worst when I had it done. The prep was tough because you have to clean out your system, but I just ate very lightly for the couple days before and it was quickly over. The procedure itself is painless - they put you to sleep and you won't feel a thing. It did not aggravate the fissure site either for me, in fact it was good because I didn't have to have a bowel movement for a couple of days after cleaning out my system. It is normally recommended for individuals with chronic fissures to rule out chron's, which can be a cause of chronic fissures.

The colonoscopy views the lower end of your system - the MRI views the small bowel which is a little too far up to reach with the colonoscopy. It is actually called an Magnetic resonance enterography. You fast for 8 hours before, then drink a laxative solution that pulls water into the small bowel to fill it up just before the procedure. They normally also inject a solution to stop the intestines from moving and a dye into the blood so they can get good images. My doctor also looked at my uterus, ovaries, liver, etc with this test.

And yes, it's encouraging to read so much positivity about the LIS - I'm feeling very ready to have it done. Have not heard from RM - hope all is well!
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 03 Feb 2017, 22:02

oh wow, good to know your all checked out..I am sure it gives some comfort that you have a plan of action now! I Just have the constant tight muscle thing and still constant sore /burny achy,pulling pinching.. OMG so many symptoms.. lol from having this so long, the spasms that this thing causes is crazy... the botox did help the fissure part and that muscle seems better its the ones connected to it Pelvicfloor/levators etc need to smooth out relax. The specialist seems to think that even though it takes a bit mine will simmer down, I so pray it does. It's been so long since I can operate my business, my book promo, the kids activities, The holidays were really rough emotionally and physically. So NEW CHAPTER, onto recovery road.. Fast track !!! Keep me posted... Best to you.
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 07 Feb 2017, 21:40

HI GG Do you have an update? I do believe the Botox has finally kicked in, and the Diosomin seems to be noticeably helping.. No real pain when going, and notnear as bad after, mostly the internal hemms I suppose, as per symptoms go, there but def spasms better! Prayers are being heard!. Just an FYI
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 07 Feb 2017, 21:48

That's great mamafizz!!! Sounds like things are on a definite upswing!

No update here really - spoke with my physio and she believes the surgery is a good option right now since the pain is difficult to manage. I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 24th of feb, if she says to go forward with it, then I will book the LIS as soon as it can be done. On the bright side, the diarrhea seems to have stopped but I'm sure it's just because of the morphine. So right now I'm feeling tired, sick and in pain most of the time. Visit with the psychologist again tomorrow, i find its helping a little but we haven't got into things too much yet. Trying to read only positive accounts of the LIS and to ignore my mother who is refusing to support me in my decision to have it.

Thanks for checking in, keep us updated.
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 07 Feb 2017, 22:05

GG, Yes, I find always reminding myself that this will fully resolve and you will get your life back on track for sure. Just know it! so hard when we are struggling and pain tired. It will get better. I have read 25 percent per month. We will def recover just remember this... My sons are musicians they play in Canada UK US, There song they played at Bonnaroo Music Festival is called LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL, I play it everyday! Music is healing. Maybe the Botox would be a consideration for you? Seems to be positive outcomes also? (Less invasive), If I can do it anyone can... that's for sure, either way this area needs recovery time every time it's disturbed needs time to settle down again..At least our fissures are healed!!! So that is a plus.. Mine is healed about 4 weeks now...I read some other posts that sound like us, and they all are better now. We are next. Keep me posted also... Actually prayers are being answered... Keep those prayers coming going:)
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby positivesun » 07 Feb 2017, 22:57

Here is my one year update since my injury:

I am in a MUCH better place then I was a year ago when my injury first occurred.

The doctors have said my fissures are healed but I still have the full feeling and irritation. I am staying positive that the muscles will continue to relax and I will eventually heal completely but some days can feel hopeless.

The only person I have ever found that had the same symptoms as us and actually healed 100% is Alyssa.

Please keep us updated GG on if your LIS is successful! Best of luck
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