by GilmoreGirl » 03 Feb 2017, 20:48
Hi mamafizz - the colonoscopy was really not that bad and my fissure was at it's worst when I had it done. The prep was tough because you have to clean out your system, but I just ate very lightly for the couple days before and it was quickly over. The procedure itself is painless - they put you to sleep and you won't feel a thing. It did not aggravate the fissure site either for me, in fact it was good because I didn't have to have a bowel movement for a couple of days after cleaning out my system. It is normally recommended for individuals with chronic fissures to rule out chron's, which can be a cause of chronic fissures.
The colonoscopy views the lower end of your system - the MRI views the small bowel which is a little too far up to reach with the colonoscopy. It is actually called an Magnetic resonance enterography. You fast for 8 hours before, then drink a laxative solution that pulls water into the small bowel to fill it up just before the procedure. They normally also inject a solution to stop the intestines from moving and a dye into the blood so they can get good images. My doctor also looked at my uterus, ovaries, liver, etc with this test.
And yes, it's encouraging to read so much positivity about the LIS - I'm feeling very ready to have it done. Have not heard from RM - hope all is well!