Ok, Ill try to make this as short as possible. Im a 24 y/o male in the UK and havethrough with the surgery. All of this i agreed to straight away.
I wake up from the operation and he tells me he hasnt done anything because the fissure is fully healed!? I mean, there is no way this fissure is fully healed! Im still in pain almost all day, every day. Even when using the cream and stool softners, they just make life bearable for me. I have and appointment with on on Wednesday when he said he is going to explain properly to me why he didnt do the surgery.
I have read a few posts on here about micro fissures and hidden fissures that surgeons cant see. I am almost certain one of those applies to my problem. Now i have to gp back to work in constant pain again and probably have to wait months for the surgery again, if he will even let me have it
Im just not sure how much longer i can take this going round on circles. Im 99% sure my problem os csused by a tight sphincter and that the LIS surgery would at least help me.
Sorry for the long post, but any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S I find if I use toilet roll after going to the toilet i am then in severe pain for the next day or two