Surgery and diarrhea?

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Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Bhill » 20 Aug 2015, 04:25

I have to poo...that much is clear! I had surgery Tuesday morning and was told 1 to 2 days I will have to go...well I have to go but can't push. I don't want to strain but I can't seem to get any muscle toNE to push with. I am taking stool softeners and mirlax but part of me wants to take magma Citrate so I can just GO ! But I hear diarrhea isn't good either...any advice....seriously in pain and stressed about pooping.
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Canadabum » 20 Aug 2015, 22:44

Bhill - so sorry to hear about your fun!! As for diarrhea...I take 300-450mg of mag citrate a day spaced through the day and don't suffer from D as a result. So you may want to introduce it slowly and see how you react.
As for how to help yourself go...what about some mild exercise like a walk to get your system moving a bit...and when you feel a bit of an urge take a seat and make sure you are either using a stool to raise your knees as high as you can and even try leaning forward towards your raised knees as far as you can (check out the squatty potty on line to learn about it and positioning). I have found these techniques helpful in stimulating and assisting a movement.
All best,
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Bhill » 20 Aug 2015, 23:21

Canadabum wrote:Bhill - so sorry to hear about your fun!! As for diarrhea...I take 300-450mg of mag citrate a day spaced through the day and don't suffer from D as a result. So you may want to introduce it slowly and see how you react.
As for how to help yourself go...what about some mild exercise like a walk to get your system moving a bit...and when you feel a bit of an urge take a seat and make sure you are either using a stool to raise your knees as high as you can and even try leaning forward towards your raised knees as far as you can (check out the squatty potty on line to learn about it and positioning). I have found these techniques helpful in stimulating and assisting a movement.
All best,
Thank you for the advice. I drank the whole bottle of mag cit. Today and just a lot of rumbles. I was advised to stay off my feet from the surgery and the hemroid removal. I hope by sat and Sunday to be moving around more since I have to go back to work tuesday. As for the potty sitting I have always sat that has just felt better so I feel ahead of the game there. I plan to call the dr tomorrow morning if nothing moves tonight. I just want that burst poo out of the way! Thanks for the advice
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Canadabum » 20 Aug 2015, 23:35

I have not used mineral (scientist used kondremul oil) oil but I wonder if that would be useful for you. It is a laxative and I imagine it helps cost the colon and rectum to help things glide out may want to give it a try.
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Canadabum » 20 Aug 2015, 23:36

Damn typos...not cost the colon, coat the colon :)
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby SakPase » 21 Aug 2015, 08:55

Bhill, I too had surgery Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon I had BM #1, and 24 hours later on Thursday, I had BM #2.

My doc had me to take Metamucil, which I am doing three times a day at each meal. Likewise, at breakfast and before bed, I am taking two Senna tablets with stool softeners.

During the day, I am being super intentional with my diet to eat a lot of fiber.

Sweet potatoes. Refried beans. Black beans. For breakfast, there's a gluten free cereal with about 10 grams of fiber per bowl.

All in all, I'm just covering my bases there, and it has definitely helped me. Be patient with it. And as suggested, get up and move around as much as possible. That helped me a TON!
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Bhill » 23 Aug 2015, 06:25

Ugh so surgery was Tuesday went to the bathroom Friday and haven't gone since (now it's sunday). I do really really have to go and am very bloated (painfully so) but nothing! Now sure if i am taking the wrong stuff or too much of certain things! I take the stool softeners twice a day the dr told me to and the prescription mirlax once a day. I haven't taken pain pills since Thursday, possibly friday, I drink a ton of water and eat high fiber soup only right now with a spoon full of ground flax seed in it. Thursday I drank a whole bottle of mag. Cit. To get me going and I did go on that friday...well yesterday I drank another bottle so we shall see today. I just don't know what I am doing wrong! I guess the good news is , and I am trying my hardest to focus on this, is that I am not in as much pain as I was before surgery. Although I am in pain and it can hurt if i don't keep up on two ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours, still the pain is not nearly what it was!
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Bhill » 24 Aug 2015, 09:59

Grrr I guess I am using my post to vent. I thought i was doing everything right and I have to poo but cant. It's basically like mud and I can't push...I actually wish for watery stool at this point. Not sure if i am blocked again or if I just don't have the strength to push hard enough. :( I go back to work tomorrow and am worried about having an accident. What I do and where I work I can't just run to the bathroom when I want or need to and I can't stay in there for long either. Ugh .
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby hurtinend » 24 Aug 2015, 19:20

Do a fleet enema
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Re: Surgery and diarrhea?

Postby Bhill » 25 Aug 2015, 19:58

hurtinend wrote:Do a fleet enema

Can't do those after surgery
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