Coconutoil wrote:It’s been a few days hope you’re better today. I’m noticing for myself the healing process in this is extremely tricky. I can be in a good mood one day and have the same symptoms the next day and lose it. It’s tough. I’m going through it too. Trying to stay positive.
Thanks for replying.
I have great days and bad days. I'm technically two weeks into this. My BMs have been more regular and formed. Pain with BM is non-existent but I still have a bit of bleeding on the wipe. I think I'm over obsessing on wiping. I wipe so much even later in the day to "check" that I think I aggravated my wounds and created a bit of bleeding.
How far along in this are you? I'm actually seeing a counselor today to help with my stress and anxiety regarding this healing, and I am also working with a Physical Therapist for my pelvic floor because my muscles are still tensing after BMs and causing some discomfort.