Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby AKDad37 » 10 May 2020, 13:34

I'm 12 days in.

Haven't been sleeping good but appetite is returning.

First BM of the morning was like a slightly hard tip but fully formed and the rest was soft. The hard tip caused a little post bleeding on the wipe but it wasn't bad and it was the first really good, complete BM I've had in almost two weeks.

I'm hoping that things just get better from here but it's a little disappointing I'm still getting bleeding from the anterior fissure
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby Coconutoil » 12 May 2020, 12:16

It’s been a few days hope you’re better today. I’m noticing for myself the healing process in this is extremely tricky. I can be in a good mood one day and have the same symptoms the next day and lose it. It’s tough. I’m going through it too. Trying to stay positive.
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby AKDad37 » 12 May 2020, 13:51

Coconutoil wrote:It’s been a few days hope you’re better today. I’m noticing for myself the healing process in this is extremely tricky. I can be in a good mood one day and have the same symptoms the next day and lose it. It’s tough. I’m going through it too. Trying to stay positive.

Thanks for replying.
I have great days and bad days. I'm technically two weeks into this. My BMs have been more regular and formed. Pain with BM is non-existent but I still have a bit of bleeding on the wipe. I think I'm over obsessing on wiping. I wipe so much even later in the day to "check" that I think I aggravated my wounds and created a bit of bleeding.

How far along in this are you? I'm actually seeing a counselor today to help with my stress and anxiety regarding this healing, and I am also working with a Physical Therapist for my pelvic floor because my muscles are still tensing after BMs and causing some discomfort.
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby Coconutoil » 17 May 2020, 00:29

How do you feel now? It’s been at least a week. Hope you’re great!
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby AKDad37 » 17 May 2020, 01:25

So far I've been doing better.

The first week was absolute hell, not going to lie. I went through some emotional trauma.

I haven't had any pain or blood during BMs for about three days now. They've been mostly soft and formed, however I still feel kinda tender on the incision side and have a bit of yellowish liqud discharge (small amount) that accumulates occasionally. I feel like I have some pelvic floor spasming that I need to correct as well, but the horrible spasms, pain and blood of the fissures are gone.

I'm still being extremely cautious with my eating and routine. I'm afraid of getting constipated or diarrhea so I've only eaten the same foods for the better part of three weeks. Lots of yogurt, granola, fiber rich beans, corn chips and gluten free bread sandwiches. Lots of water and Magnesium supplements help keep stool soft. Once a night 1/2 tsp Konsyl.

Hoping for a day when I don't feel the need to jump in a bath after having a BM though
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby AKDad37 » 17 May 2020, 12:49

One step forward, two steps back.

Had a BM this morning that was a little harder than they've been and that was all it took to get me bleeding again.

I feel like this isn't ever going to get better for me
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby ParadoxicalIntent » 17 May 2020, 13:04

How are you feeling now? I just had LIS and a hemorrhoid banding surgery done on May 15.

Looking for a positive update!
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby Coconutoil » 17 May 2020, 14:28

Hello! My story is painful bleeding fissure since end of January. I just got a prescription for nitroglycerin last week. My bleeding has reduced a lot in the last few weeks. But my pain after bm’s turned into pressure and a pain that’s deeper in. So confusing. It used to be sharp burning pain. I know what you mean about maintaining the perfect diet. It’s tough right? I stopped taking magnesium and started taking cascara segrada, it’s working so much better for me. Also I need to research a pelvic therapist because I feel like I’m super tight after bm’s, this just started a couple weeks ago. I feel like that could be related. I can’t imagine other people dealing with this amount of pain but here you are. Good job on seeing a counselor. In the last month I started randomly crying because I’m just frustrated that this isn’t going away.
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby Savaici » 18 May 2020, 15:54

Do you have a Sitz bath? I use one and they do help. I got mine through Amazon. Don't avoid food; that won't help. Try not to worry. I know that is easy to say, but your body is stronger than you think. I use Milk of Magnesia, very little, but on a regular basis. Not saying you should, but that is what I do.

Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Three days post LIS after dealing with AF for 5 years

Postby Coconutoil » 18 May 2020, 21:27

I just ordered a sitz bath yesterday, I’m excited to use that. I don’t think I would worry if I didn’t have bleeding. I can deal with the post pain but that’s the only part I don’t like. It’s been going on a long time. But I feel like it should get better soon. Thanks.
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