Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 May 2017, 09:06

Hi yes my surgeon also left my skin tags alone as he agrees that removing them can cause more issues than it solves for most people.
This board is great a place where everyone understands the pain and the anxiety a fissure can cause.
KV good luck with your surgery today I'm sure everything will go well
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 29 May 2017, 17:31

So I met my CRS. We agree to get the LIS done. I am now scheduled for LIS on 06/07.

The confusing thing now is my symptoms seem to be getting better. I have minimal pain in the morning lasting about an hour and barely any pain in the evening BM (Somehow the evening BMs were always less painful, pretty much pain free for the last 2 days). Now I am wondering if I jumped to get the LIS too soon. So totally confused. Thinking of calling the CRS and talking to him on Wednesday to see what he thinks.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 29 May 2017, 18:53

Hello Raoden,

I had the LIS done 9 days ago .

I have to mention that the pain for me was for about 2 months , I could not focus at work and just the road to work was a nightmare and at some point I thought that I will faint in the subway.

I did not try any treatments before getting LIS as I have read alot about this and found out that most of the creams / sitz baths / supozitory were for a period of time and after some time the fissure would come back hitting harder than before ( I'm not telling you to believe this , this is just my opinion and the way i see things). I did not want for that to happen I just wanted my normal life back as you have seen having the pain each BM is devastating and it leaves you witouth energy to do anything in that day.

I went to the hospital to first see what is my issue and the doc told me that I had a fissure and first he offered me the botox thing but also told me that this should be left for the future and needs to be tested more before it could be as succesfull like LIS .

He schedueld me for the surgery and I can tell you that I was so scared , I have cried from the doctors office until I have arrived home and after that the hole day and the rest of the days until the surgery , so I was a mess.

On Sunday 5/20/2017 in the morning I have sat down with my mom ( I'm 23 ) disscusing this operation .

The only risk : Fecal Incontinence ( For me personally this is the most scarry thing about this as I did not want to soil myself but as you have read from the forrum there is a low chance for this )

After disscusing with my mom I had decided out of fear as well to go to the doctor and tell him to cancel the operation as I'm not doing it . Also because I have took some dulcolax in the morning for about 2 days my BM's were water and I did not feel the pain as much but did not want to delusion myself that I am healed.

Went to the hospital and disscused with the doctor that finnaly convinced me to do the surgery this is what he told me:

1. This operation is verry easy and it is done alot by him 6-7 cases each week.
2. Recovry after the surgery is about 7 days ( this is what he told me after I have asked him if I could go to the gym )
3. The operation will be fast and I will not feel a thing .
4. Instant Relief of the pain .

Even if I was scared and by scared I mean I could not even speak until the operation time I have decided to go with it.

I was scared mainly as they did a Partial Anaesthesia (Rachianesthesia ) that in the middle of the surgery I would feel how he cuts me ( that was not the case and I was paranoid with fear ) I was awake the hole time speaking with the doctor until the surgery was done so that was nice because time flew.

After the surgery I was keept at the hospital for 4 days to make sure I do not bleed or feel the pain after OP ( they stuffed me with painkillers ) I was also lucky that I had good medical insurrance and they did not send me home.

After OP first day in the hospital I had minimum pain and also painkillers that helped me .

Second day was the worst I could not sleep witouth the painkillers .

Third day was nice , no pain no nothing.

Fourth day that is where they pulled the stuff from my butt to not bleed ( SO MUCH PAINNNNNN )

The 4 days that I have stayed in the hospital I did not have a BM as before the surgery I had taken dulcolax to be empty and also did not eat or drink wanter.

On 24/05/2017 I was sent home , because I was again scared that the first BM would hurt my butt I could not go and had to take dulcolax ( it worked ) but I have to say that it hurt allot for me the first time , I have read here that some people after the first BM they had no pain but this was not the case for me ( also have to mention that the BM was so hard and thick :( )

Second day was the same only the BM in the morning was soft as icecream but it still hurt.

Third day the same only 1 BM in the morning that hurt .

Just a side note the pain was much more reduced than before the OP and it took about 10 minutes for the pain to go away.

Fourth day had 3 BM'S and no pain at all .

Fifht day that is today 29/06/2017 again had 2 BM's again no pain .

The only thing that I'm worried about is that my butt is leaking a yellowish liquide that has no smell and it is in a small ammount when I wipe my ass. ( HOPE IT IS NOT INCONTINENCE)

So by far the OP helped me and also this LONG LONG story that I have told you here will also help you .

Also this was my experience , I cannot tell you that you will be the same as me of fell the same as me so do not take it word by word if you read this hole essay.

This story is my story and just wanted to let you know that even if I was scared and if you read the story SCARED is a kind word for what I have felt I still decided to go with the OP.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 29 May 2017, 19:26

Hey raoden,

I saw some improvement right after scheduling my LIS the first time - cancelled it and could not have it done for 3 months + due to the waiting lists...what a mistake that was.

But if wait lists aren't as much a concern where you are, maybe you can follow up with the surgeon in one week. If there's no further improvement, you'll know you're making the right decision going forward.

Sending healing thoughts,

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Canadabum » 29 May 2017, 20:14

Hey funny, I have had the exact same experience. About a month and a half ago I had a follow up appointment with my crs. Long story but was finally suggested to have LIS after 2.5 years of issues. I left the office and felt fact, overnight felt so much better that much of my issues seemed to melt away. I too thought....hmmm, perhaps I don't need this. Anyways, 5 weeks later and I got the scratch and i am likely going for it in September.

This all confirmed for me how much stress and our psychology impacts our conditions.

All best - CB
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 30 May 2017, 16:28

Thanks a lot for your detailed account pleasehelpmybutt. I have been getting mushy bowel movements for a few days consecutively now. I know I am not fully healed yet, as I can still feel the fissure during BMs, but not much pain. Very minimal stinging and no clenched ball like feeling at all. Also able to insert pinky finger a lot easier to apply ointments. I wonder if using the Diltiazem 3 times a day has been helping with it.

GG There isn't a long wait list. So if I decide to postpone I think I might be able to reschedule in a few weeks time. Canadabum your point is exactly my fear as well. I fear that it will come right back after I postpone. I can't work from home much longer. So if I postpone I will be in trouble at work if I have to go back to doing the surgery.

The thing that worries me the most is that, this is the first time I have got a fissure. So I just keep hoping that I still have a chance to heal without surgical intervention. But it hasn't healed completely in 8 weeks (as of today). What are the odds that it will heal on it's own and not come right back as soon as I have a more formed BM. But not having much pain or clenching has me totally confused. I am planning on trying to talk to the surgeon tomorrow. Will let you all know how the call goes.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 03 Jun 2017, 19:39

So I had my appointment with the CRS. He said that one of my fissues is mostly healed, but the other one has not. I guess one of them having healed improved my symptoms a lot. But still not there yet fully. Considering I am more than 8 weeks into fissure, he said he would lean towards getting the LIS done. I am also worried about work so I agreed to get the LIS done and be rid of the fissure. So I am on schedule to get my LIS done this wednesday (06/07). Wish me luck guys!
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 04 Jun 2017, 13:10

You've made the right choice. I had 8 weeks of awfulness which turned to hell. 11 days post op and I'm nearly normal. I did have a fistula and skin tag removed though.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Bum_UK » 04 Jun 2017, 13:16

Kv12 was the skin tag a sentinel pile (I.e. internal) or an external skin tag? I'm wondering as I'll have the sentinel pile removed when I have Botox and fissurectomy on Tuesday. If I still need a fissurectomy that is as I've had zero pain for three and a half weeks. I intend to have a chat with the surgeon what his plan is if the fissure has healed. He did mention I have a lot of scar tissue though as I've had fissures at least four times.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 04 Jun 2017, 13:28

Hi. It was a sentinel pile apparently. I have my follow up appointment on Tuesday so will get the chance to ask my surgeon a few questions as he came and sat with me as soon as I came round from GA.
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