Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 17 Jul 2017, 15:03

It has been close to month since I updated this thread. Since I had my abcess I have 3 appointments with my CRS. The first one was to lance it. Then in the 2nd he use a little silver nitrate to cauterize the abcess wound.

Today was my 3rd one. He said my fissure is almost healed (1.5 months since LIS). He said that the surgical wound was still bleeding a tiny bit. He cauterized the surgical wound today and has asked me to follow up in 6 weeks. Hopefully the surgical wound heals up as well.

Other than this I am feeling almost normal. But the surgical wound not healing fully is still not letting sleep peacefully. Hopefully it clears up soon.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby missy moo » 15 Sep 2017, 18:09

Hey how are you doing now I have my first specialist appointment in 2 days to see what my options are for my 4 year old fissure that comes an goes
missy moo
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 17 Sep 2017, 16:39

Hi missy moo,

Thanks for asking. I have been wanting to post back here. Finally got around to doing it. Saw the CRS on 08/28 (after 6 weeks). I was beginning to feel much better by then. He said the fissure was completely healed. He said there was still a tiny part of the surgical incision that had not completely healed, which he cauterized again. I started feeling normal a week after this appointment. It is about 3 weeks since the appointment and I am feeling finally back to normal now. But still being super careful with my diet. But beginning to do my normal activities now. Played a couple of hours of tennis today. Feeling good. Hoping that your specialist helps you get rid of the fissure permanently!

To anybody wanting to know, I had an abscess 10 days after my LIS surgery. I was dreading a fistula. But I have healed completely from abscess without any further complications.

Thanks a lot for everybody on this board for helping out during my trying times with the fissure. Wish every one all the best and hope you all heal soon! I may not visit the board as often anymore. But if anybody has any questions feel free to PM me and will be happy to help out!
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby missy moo » 17 Sep 2017, 23:16

Hi so I just left my appointment an since in a female an not sure I may have more kids in the future they don't recommend lis for me but instead suggested botox an cleaning up the fissure now I'm worried will this 've a big waste of time I'm booked for in a week or so will find out in a few days but will this be a waste of time I've heard everyone on here say it's 50/50 my surgeon said maybe 60/50 please Lord let this be the end of my 4 years if pain an fear
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby kevinpdx » 13 Oct 2017, 18:02

short version - GET THE SURGERY. I waited a year and a half and wished I did it sooner. If you have tried all of the conservative approach and it still hasn't healed then it likely won't.

Long version - Read my diary on the surgery.
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