Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

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Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 22 May 2017, 11:30

It has been about 7 weeks since my Fissure pain started. I have 2 fissures one at 11:00 and one at 13:00. Been going through all the conservative treatments (Fiber, water, Analpram, GTN, Dilt). I had some improvements in the middle and then some setbacks. Now I have reached a point where I can't take this anymore. It is really spoiling my work and family life. Some days I am not able to get up from bed well until noon or beyond. Sometimes I have a 2nd BM and the whole day is gone :(. I am beginning to consider LIS. Does anyone think 7 weeks is too soon to consider LIS?

My sphincter tightness seems to have reduced a bit as I am able to insert pinky for the ointments. But still a remotely formed BM (not hard, soft but well formed) hurts like hell. Not sure if my Sphincter is considered too tight or not.

Also when is it recommended to remove the skin tags? Are there people who leave the skin tags alone? Is it generally recommended to remove the skin tags while getting a LIS?

I have an appointment with my CRS again tomorrow. I would appreciate some advice on these questions before I meet him.

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 22 May 2017, 13:35

I can't say anything about the skin tags, but this is just from my experience:

I had the chance to have LIS at 8 weeks and I wish to hell I would have taken it. My ibs makes it harder for me to heal than the average person but still - I would have saved months and months of misery. My poor pelvic floor was in such pain that whole time that it's like it's just out of whack now, i think I could have avoided much of these issues if I'd have had it done sooner.

Again, totally and completely my opinion based on my experience - if I were you I would go for it. It was painful sure but it was pain of healing and a month and a half out I'm back to jogging and working out (and I'm not even totally healed, I have an abscess).

Really hope you get this solved soon raoden - it's just plain horrible to live like this I know!
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 22 May 2017, 14:31

Heck if someone had offered me LIS at the end of the first week of fissure agony I would have jumped at the chance.
It's all down to personal choice. Years ago LIS was the only option and if your fissure didn't heal after 6 weeks you were offered LIS. Now there are so many other treatments to try. The important thing is the impact it is having on your life. If it's bad then what do you have to lose by having the LIS.
I had to wait 18 months until I could get a CRS to agree to do my LIS but I gave crohns and IBS so no one wanted to take the risk lol.
I have hems and skin tags but my CRS chose to leave them as they do not bother me and with my other issues didn't want to leave more chance of scarring down there.
It's your choice but you know if your healing better than anyone.
Good luck tomorrow
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 22 May 2017, 22:02

Thanks again GG and Mpb for your thoughtful and encouraging responses!

I am sick and tired of this pain on a schedule that has completely ruined my life. I want to do something to be rid of it. Botox seems to be a hit or miss. I was curious about SAD but there are some posts about dilation causing more fissures. At least the Kenalog version seems to have some posts talking about dilation causing more fissures. So LIS seems to be the thing with the best chance. Let me know if i am missing any other treatment options or mistaken about my assumptions.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 May 2017, 14:31

I think the quicker you get Botox done the better your chances also different CRS's have different success rates. My CRS has over a 90% success rate with his Botox patients.
I know that Botox would have healed me completely if my fissure hadn't been so deep that it was down to the muscle. Plus Botox completely stopped the spasms from day one.
I know lots of people on here end up having LIS but try and remember that most people who have Botox don't have a fissure long enough to find this lovely forum. So we don't hear their success stories.
Again on the other hand if your fissure is deep or long LIS is probably the better option
You could ask your surgeon which he has better results with
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 23 May 2017, 19:47

Thanks again for your replies mpb. I talked to my CRS today and he seemed to trust LIS more than Botox. Also he said it is better to get it done than prolong the suffering. I agreed. They are going to call me tomorrow to schedule my LIS. Will keep you all updated.

All of you are god sent patiently replying to so many of us and talking us through these horrible times! Thanks again to you, GG and everybody who has been helping me through this.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 23 May 2017, 19:49

Oh he also mentioned that he tends to leave the skin tags alone. As removing them causes another wound that needs to heal. He said unless it is too big he does not remove them
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 23 May 2017, 20:47

This board is an amazing place indeed - thank goodness for it!!! Glad to help especially after all the help I continue to receive!

I'm glad it sounds like you've come to a decision! It must be a relief. By the time the op comes you'll be excited to get it done, I bet!!! Pain of recovery trumps never ending fissure pain any day, and it was never as bad as the fissure itself at its worst.

If it helps at all, I was told by my surgeon that Botox was an option, but had less of a success rate (at least for her and her colleagues). And if I went ahead with Botox, we would have to wait 3 months or more before doing LIS to make sure the Botox has worn off. Not sure why exactly that is or if others have heard the same, but I figured I'd rather have LIS than take the chance.

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 24 May 2017, 04:46

Good morning.

I'm waiting to travel to the hospital this morning for my LIS. I've previously had a fissure which healed but it's been 7 weeks with this one and I jumped at the chance to get it done.

Hope you get a surgery date quickly like I have done.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 24 May 2017, 08:20

Thanks GG. I am nervous, but looking forward to getting this done and be rid of this pain. I am just worried that somehow my body does not heal as easily. A lot of people here do LIS after healing and retearing. Unfortunately I never healed after getting my fissure for the first time. Hoping that LIS allows me to heal.

I keep following your diary but not experienced enough to give suggestions but happy to see you make progress! Hoping that you heal completely soon.

Good luck with your surgery today Kv12. Sending healing thoughts your way! I am hoping to get this scheduled at the first available date. Want to be rid of this as soon as possible.
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