It has been about 7 weeks since my Fissure pain started. I have 2 fissures one at 11:00 and one at 13:00. Been going through all the conservative treatments (Fiber, water, Analpram, GTN, Dilt). I had some improvements in the middle and then some setbacks. Now I have reached a point where I can't take this anymore. It is really spoiling my work and family life. Some days I am not able to get up from bed well until noon or beyond. Sometimes I have a 2nd BM and the whole day is gone

. I am beginning to consider LIS. Does anyone think 7 weeks is too soon to consider LIS?
My sphincter tightness seems to have reduced a bit as I am able to insert pinky for the ointments. But still a remotely formed BM (not hard, soft but well formed) hurts like hell. Not sure if my Sphincter is considered too tight or not.
Also when is it recommended to remove the skin tags? Are there people who leave the skin tags alone? Is it generally recommended to remove the skin tags while getting a LIS?
I have an appointment with my CRS again tomorrow. I would appreciate some advice on these questions before I meet him.