Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby vasilisa » 22 Oct 2024, 10:18

Hazey123 wrote:I agree with you UKMan I tried warm sitz baths as I know they are supposed to relax things and help heal but they just made me feel worse. In fact nothing really helped and I tried everything. Anusol with hydrocortisone will thin the skin, or Anusol HC. Ordinary Anusol won’t but I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure if you can use it long term. It’s basically just lubricating a bit which helps. I used it for a while but ended up with a bit of Vaseline and that’s all. Eventually nothing as the burning was just awful whatever I did or whatever I used. I bought every cream I could think of!! I’m not sure what has eased it in the end if I’m honest. I think just time and relaxation breathing and a small amount of movicol. I think skin tag removal is actually brutal. Sounds so minor but it wrecked me totally. I think I’m finally getting better now. I’m eating anything just about and drinking some alcohol too. No issues. The pain lessened in cycles - a few good days then back to burning pain then maybe a good day then bad again. It went like this for months. I still have the odd burning day and I’m not 100% but I’m SO much better now. I will still never have a Bm without showering the area after. Not sure I ever will! You will heal…. I really never thought I would

I am new to this forum ... almost all success stories or healing testimonies do stress over and over again- that during this dark journey of the soul they NEVER thought that this could get better or end 1 day.... Keeping yourself positive is so important . But after forcing myself to be hopeful and positive - I was crushed by huge despair ... I am reading over and over again MISSY MOO member advice and following Louis Hay positive affirmations youtube videos but its a mental challenge ... anyways wanted to say Hi and hope that one day I will make it like those other members that left their success stories and left for good to enjoy their lives ....
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 22 Oct 2024, 11:31

I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physio.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby vasilisa » 23 Oct 2024, 04:04

UKMan wrote:I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physio.

Thank you for reply ... Also I am following other member s good advice- on healing my mind ...
so far its been very traumatising to realise that whole my life it has been a lie and self deception.

v :helmet: :thecat: :shithitsfan:
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby vasilisa » 28 Nov 2024, 09:54

UKMan wrote:I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physio.

Thanks UK man,
I red your old posts and I started pelvic breathing through the day, then cold showerhead water sessions, then trying to relax my mind during BM and for the rest of the day....

Its hardest trial i ever faced in my life :smilyhug:
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 28 Nov 2024, 10:19

It certainly is. The way im looking at it is in a few months time i will have done thousands of pelvic floor breathing repetitions. Also relax your sphincter more as you go about your day today business also relax your shoulders and chin.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby booty_call » 28 Nov 2024, 15:04

Sounds like you've come a ways since the beginning of this thread, UKMan.

Vasilisa and others, I can only speak from my experience (see extensive post elsewhere) but after my surgeries I definitely needed to "relearn" how to poo. Here are some things I think helped out:

1) I had watched a lot of "Dr. Bri" videos about the pelvic floor muscles and how to relax and exercise them.
2) I learned the "moo to poo" technique from my PT, which helps get a BM going without a lot of straining. This is an example of the pelvic floor/face connection which you might be referring to, UKMan.
3) It might also be worth considering pelvic floor biofeedback (offered by my PT). The PT attaches electrodes to your butt and then you watch a screen to see if you are influencing your pelvic floor/sphincter muscles... it helps you "retrain". This has been researched as a non-surgical treatment for fissures. It didn't cure my fissures (I needed LIS) but I imagine it could be helpful afterwards to rebuild confidence and coordination.

Hope that's useful -- booty_call
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby vasilisa » 29 Nov 2024, 04:09

hello BC,
thanks for your suggestions -
I am doing pelvic breathing and happy baby position ..
Like you I am having multiple fissures
its from brutal anoscopy injury
since 8 months !

I am in no place to trust doctors anymore !!!

You mention that you had to relearn to poop -
and I was wondering if you are still on some laxatives and
if you are able to pass normal big size BM without pain?

there is so much scar tissue and a super tight sphincter
that I pray every day to do not end with anal stenosis !

what your pelvic PT told about anxiety management - cause this is HUGE and directly
affecting our sphincter ...

how did you manage to calm yourself after surgery and allow faster healing ?
also do you suffer from PTSD due to all this horror trauma you endured ?

many thanks
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby booty_call » 02 Dec 2024, 21:46

vasilisa, It took me about 5 full months to recover from my surgeries, to get to that place where there was no pain and no blood. I've been passing normal size BMs with no pain and no blood for 18 months now.

However, the reason I'm on the board now, after 18 months of no symptoms, is I still have memories of the pain of having the fissures. So I guess I do have a bit of PTSD. My PTSD takes this form: I don't relive the pain so much as just relive the existence I had during the fissures, which was all about just getting to the end of another day -- I had no thoughts of the future or past, and no dreams of anything. That's not a normal way to be for me.

In terms of calming myself after the surgery, I didn't do a very good job! :) Recovering from the surgery was hard, especially the first month. I wasn't so much calm as I was steadily resolved to never go back to the way I was. That was better than living in dread of what the fissures would do to me next.

So, to the extent I was calm, it was because I knew I had nowhere to go but up.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 11 Dec 2024, 13:21

Since my original post I thought i would update. I am seeing progress but i am definitely not there yet. The other day i had a large chicken burger and omelette. Well it didnt go to well. I was extremely sore afterwards for for several days. With the cold sitz baths, Christian meditation and relaxation exercises along with the pelvic floor breathing 3 times a day , increasing my magnesium intake (game changer) along with vitamins and minerals. Progress is gradual but recovery times are improving. Non steroid Anusol and ibuprofen seem to help in the bad times. Also being a Christian - prayer is a daily thing! Diet recently is mostly eggs, cucumber, black seedless grapes, pitted olives, tomatoes, 3 or 4 probiotic yoghurts a day., tomato soup and i have 4 small pieces of wholegrain toast (i think US bread is different than UK bread) as USA bread is possibly illegal here). All this is spread over 3 meals a day with soup at lunchtimes. 1 Laxido sachet at 8am and 1 Laxido sachet at 8pm. A small amount of Sudo cream is used after each bowel movement to one side of the rim of my anus which seems to be better than too much.

So keep at it folks. Relaxation is IMHO just as important as pelvic floor breathing. Try and eliminate your stressers i,e, watch less news, relax your shoulders and try to stop worrying. Also just one last thing when it i REALLY bad then poop into a lukewarm sitzbath.

Just a note for any partners, family or friends of a sufferer who is reading this. This condition can be some of the most difficult and challenging times in a persons life. So please be understanding all you can. It takes time to get on a proper routine for recovery.
Stay RELAXED folks. Relax your sphincter, shoulders and chin throughout the day and NOTICE when you are tightening up in your posture.

Peace in Christ!
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Rich44 » 11 Dec 2024, 18:36

You are so right. Relaxation and being calm are the key to having a normal BM.

No Christ needed!
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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