I have been "healed" for about a year now, with just a few tiny recurrences that clear up within a day or so. My husband are going to be traveling overseas at the end of this month, flying from Chicago to Thailand. I am SO nervous about the long flight because I usually get constipated on planes. I also usually get traveler's diarrhea, so I'm not as concerned about constipation while we're there. It's more the long flight (overnight) and the fact that it will mess up my body clock. I'm crazy regular and always go when I first wake up.
I've read all the tips like eating fiber, walking around during the flight, staying hydrated, and taking stool softeners. Right now I take magnesium every day to keep my stool soft, and I will bring that plus Miralax to help things along. Any other tips? I'd also love to hear success stories of people who have survived long flights and been fine! Thank you!!