Unexpected LIS, here we go!

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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Jbl22424 » 06 Aug 2014, 12:42

I had a re-tear. :( Spot of blood three days ago, no pain, then a LOT of blood yesterday with discomfort, and today stinging with bm, some discomfort. Light spasms maybe? Or maybe no spasms? I'm not in much pain but I can tell I've re-torn. This sucks - 3 months after LIS. I had weaned to half dose of miralax, back to full dose. We'll see how this pans out.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Apes » 06 Aug 2014, 12:57

JBL, so sorry to hear. Take good care of yourself. The LIS should still help. We are rooting for you.
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby owmybum » 06 Aug 2014, 13:29

Sorry to hear this jbl xxxxx
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Roidsfizzman » 06 Aug 2014, 14:33


Sorry that you have had a re-tear as you were doing so well. I have noticed recently that my sphincter muscle has tightened up. Have you noticed your sphincter muscle being tighter? What caused your re-tear? Anytime I have a firm BM the stool feels like it scratches on the way out as the AF area is still tender.

Have you gone back on the Nifedipine or similar type cream?
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Jbl22424 » 06 Aug 2014, 18:10

Thanks guys. Back on nitro. I guess weaning from the miralax caused my re-tear? Possibly a little harder than normal BM? It really wasn't that hard, though. I don't feel like things are any tighter than they were a month ago. I honestly can't pinpoint exactly what did it. I'm under a lot of stress but have been this whole time. Can't figure it out. Bummed. At least I'm not in too much pain... just worried. I hope it clears up soon.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby mmklinemm » 06 Aug 2014, 19:34

I'm so sorry you had a re-tear! It's so stressful and confusing dealing with all this, especially not knowing the cause. I hope your pain level stays low and you can heal quickly.
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby mmklinemm » 07 Aug 2014, 20:18

How are you feeling today?
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Jbl22424 » 08 Aug 2014, 00:20

Thanks mm. Today was good. Just a little stinging during Bm, enough to make me worry, but no pain after so that's good. Hopefully the miralax will get me through and I guess I'll just be on it for longer than I expected.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby Jbl22424 » 10 Aug 2014, 11:50

Hi All - I continue to battle the re-tear. I think it might be getting a little worse each day instead of better. It's not that painful but there is tightness/spasms just like before plus burning just after a bm. It's not nearly like a re-tear before surgery but it still sucks. I'm going to give it a week or two and if it doesn't clear up, talk to my CRS again. Maybe we do botox or maybe a second LIS down the road? I'm not opposed to that or half as scared of surgery as I was the first time around. After having a taste of a fissure-free life, I know that I would take the incontinence from LIS over fissure pain. The other thing I've resolved is not to take away all of life's dietary pleasures in order ensure soft bms. Miralax is enough for me. I cut out everything before surgery (cheese, meat, bread, alcohol, coffee, etc) in the hopes that it would heal my fissure. It basically did nothing for me except make me absolutely miserable. The only thing that gave me soft bms were miralax and cutting back on breastfeeding. I've also been reading about others who have re-torn after LIS on the forum. I guess it is not uncommon. They usually heal quickly... but I'm going on a week now so I don't think that's going to be me.

Anyways - the good news is that a re-tear after surgery doesn't hurt that much but the bad news is that it is still possible. I wish I had kept up a full dose of miralax. My mom was giving me grief about still taking the miralax which influenced my decision to start weaning from it. I don't know why I haven't learned to discount other people's opinions and follow my own instincts yet... next time I'll know better.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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Re: Unexpected LIS, here we go!

Postby sb2 » 10 Aug 2014, 18:24

JBL, I am in a very similar situation. At 6 weeks post, after a 10 day period where I felt virtually normal, I had a re-tear. It is that 10 day period I keep holding on to, because it was the first time in 6 months I actually felt good. Since the re-tear about 3 weeks ago, it has been very inconsistent. Been having some stomach issues leading to diarrhea, which has not helped at all. I have noticed that I am tighter down there too. I too see the CRS in about 3 weeks and hoping I can get back to healing before then. Good luck to you.
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