I had LIS on April 28th but have never been pain free. My fissure did heal but has felt like it has re-torn 4 times. All 4 times only lasted a couple of days with the help of Rectiv. I think I'm developing a sensitivity to Rectiv though as it was causing some definite soreness, burning, rawness with prolonged use.
I saw my CRS in July because I've not been out of pain since the surgery. Mostly only when sitting. She could see some scar tissue that healed weird and when she touched it I thought I was going to literally jump off the table. It was so painful!!! When I sit my but opens just enough to pull on the scar causing burning pain. She said she could do another surgery to "release" the tissue and stitch it back up the other direction so it would heal straight and smooth. I also developed another weird skin tag near the incision site that is hard and can be painful. She wants to remove that as well.
She did another pressure test and thankfully my pressure is closer to normal. It's the same pressure all the way around my anus now. The first time it was 3 times the normal rate just where the fissure was. It's still a little high though.
So I'm scheduled for another surgery next Friday, Oct. 31st to have the scar tissue addressed and remove the new skin tag. She says this shouldn't be as painful as my LIS as she's not going anywhere near as deep as before. No muscle will be cut and no deep incision like before.
I'm not looking forward to any of this as it's only been 6 months since my last surgery but I can't live this way anymore either. My CRS is a 3 hour drive each way and when I got home tonight I was in so much agony from sitting so long!
I'm holding on to hope that this will be the final fix and I can be pain free! Please say a prayer for me!
Thanks for listening!