I've been suffering for over a month now. I've been using nifedipine for 5 days 2 times a day. I take at least 1 sitz bath a day and am careful of everything I eat now. I've been using a stool softener but bought some Miralax today since that's what most people here use.
I have read so many posts, I will stay up all night reading the threads and it just makes me so depressed. All of you have been dealing with these things for so long. I can't imagine. Who would have ever thought 1 hard poop would land me here, so depressed, consumed all day with my butt. I use to be so active and now I'm scared to do anything besides walk.
I go back to Dr at the beginning of March. I'm so scared I won't be healed enough and he will send me to a crs. I can't even begin to think of about another exam. I have hpv, i know that ups my risk of anal cancer. Even though I'm aware of what lead to my fissure, it's still in the back of my mind. What if it's more? I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
I can't take this pain much longer and after reading the threads it seems I'm alot better off than most. I don't get the spasms. Just the painful bm and it is sore for a few hrs later. I don't see how anyone could tolerate more especially for months or yrs.