External bleeding

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Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 12 Dec 2007, 20:12

Did she recommend the PPH surgery? That is the staple surgery. It is supposed to be as effective as the traditional hemorrhoidectomy but so much less recovery time and much less pain.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 12 Dec 2007, 20:44

We talked about that but she didn't think I was a candidate. I think because my hemorrhoids are so low. I wish though. It sounds like that is much more tolerable than the other.

I wish a celebrity or Bill Gates would get butt problems so that maybe there would be a development of a new way to deal with it.

I think if I do it I will insist I stay in the hospital so they can control my pain better with a pump.

Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 12 Dec 2007, 21:18

What did she say about the infrared you had done?? Also, why did she band you? Were you, or are you still bleeding? For me, the banding was practically intolerable, and I do believe I have a pretty high pain tolerance, it was awful for me for about 3-4 days. I think you do well with it, am I right?
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Re: External bleeding

Postby val » 13 Dec 2007, 03:58

Hi Lecia,
I'm glad you got someone to listen to you at last.I think you're right that if someone high profile got butt problems, then there would be more awareness of the problem. Perhaps we should start an off-topic thread of who we would most like to wish them on! We would get a higher "how evil are you" score then!
Have you tried live yoghurt for the yeast infection? Its natural and cold and soothing, and won't cause any unwanted effects on anywhere else.
I don't know anything about banding- I wish I knew of someone who'd had it done, but hopefully it will cure it once and for all.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Deleted User 5 » 13 Dec 2007, 06:35

Well, Lecia I am happy you are getting some answers and attention from your new CRS.
Hey, I wouldn't go all the way to Dunboro just to soak, aren't you close to Greensboro? Image
Seriously, though, I wondder why they won't remove the skintag? Could be that now without that vein feeding it, the CRS feels confidant it will begin to go away on its own?
I hope you pain keeps easing up each day!
Deleted User 5

Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 13 Dec 2007, 07:49

Thanks guys for keeping me close during this tough time.

They did banding on another hemorrhoid. Everyone has 3 hemorrhoidal columns that are graded between 1-4. Mine are at a 2. So so far, the two worse ones have been treated. The new CRS is not a real fan of IRC because she says it takes 6-8 treatments. I do much better with banding than I do with the IRC obviously! I guess I am meant to try out every treatment so I can be the "go to" gal for hemmie questions.

She would not cut off the skintag because she thinks it would make things worse. I am like "try me!" It can't get any worse. This sucker gets irritated everytime I move. And when I have my period like this week, just wearing a pad scrapes it.

Thanks Val for the tip on yogurt. Just smear it on, right? I take acidophilis orally and am using monistat too. And I have had to give up my baths because it was degrading the thin skin down there and got the area too moist so that crap could grow!

I go back next month and think I will insist if the skintag is still there to remove it. I know Gareth has named his Laverne and Shirley. Should I name my Squiggy?

Love y'all! :loveheart:

Re: External bleeding

Postby val » 13 Dec 2007, 08:27

Yeah, Lecia, just soak a cotton ball in it and dab it on a few times a day. Its a bit messy though!
How is your pain today, hope its getting easier?
Love your new hairdo!
BTW if you do go to a hemmie board- PLEEEEASE stay here too-what would we all do without you!
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 13 Dec 2007, 15:53

Thanks, Val. My hair is just greasy!

The pain is better today. Except now I have this burning yeast infection down there.

Well, as long as I can talk about my hemorrhoids here I'll stay! Image

Re: External bleeding

Postby val » 13 Dec 2007, 16:03

Does your hair always go blue when it's greasy, hell, what shampoo do you use girl!!!LOL!
Your hair WAS blue earlier wasn't it? Tell me I'm not going mad as well!
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 13 Dec 2007, 16:15

aww Lecia, sorry to hear you're still going through it.
I agree with Val on the live yogurt, the DR's over here reccommend it as well, my Mum was diabetic and always getting yeast infections.
I'm not really up on hemmies, does banding them eventually make then shrivel up and dissappear? I'm guessing it cuts off the blood supply.
hugs to you xx

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