LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy (Current Updates!)

My Experience

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LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy (Current Updates!)

Postby Uvall » 19 May 2016, 07:09

Hello Everyone,
I have been lurking in these forums for several months now but only just now decided to register and add to this wealth of information on a subject I never knew so many people had issues with. Now I may not have very much information to add right now. But I am going to share a little bit of my experiences with everyone here.
A little history: Firstly, I am a 39 year old single male I suffer from severe anxiety but have never been medically diagnosed and do not take any medication for it. I do not have insurance either as it has been very hard for me to keep a steady job over the years with these conditions I'm going to talk about along with the anxiety I have. I've moved with my parents away from the city into a rural area which has helped with my anxiety, since I'm not around many people. Enough of that and on to why I'm here. I first started showing symptoms of bleeding during a bowel movement when I was around 17 years old. I being a dumb male.... Never told anyone, I wasn't the type that should show fear being the older brother and protector of a couple little sisters growing up. I just always felt I should never show fear or concern for myself while making sure I was trying to look after others. Or I'm just the stereo-typical male as I was first saying and got a little scared but the subject was so taboo that I never wanted anyone to know.
This continued over the years off and on. It wasn't something that happened every day. I may bleed a little for a few days but then it would go away and I wouldn't really see it again for another month or two down the road. I would also like to say that I recently found out I had a lot of problems as a baby, was up all night crying from stomach pains and my Mom said the doctors had no clue what to do or what was causing it. They would just tell her it was colic. The bleeding I would experienced also usually came with a pain in my lower left abdomen. I would get a dull pain that would last the couple of days I would bleed. The blood was always bright red and I could tell it was coming from some sort of little cut or something (probably a fissure Inow know). This went on for at least 10 years before I started getting a pain in the left side of my rectum. The pain would be accompanied by swelling on the inside and I would bleed. After a few years of this coming and going I started to get a bulging on the outside of my rectum where that pain was occurring on the left side. It was like a skin tag that wold swell and hurt when I was having my episodes, especially at the base where it attached to my rectum. All these things I've mentioned were tied together coming and going. Sometimes I would go maybe 4 or 5 months without it happening and it never lasted that long, so it was manageable for me.
A few years later I read about and started eating Activia daily. I would eat one Activia yogurt a night and this seemed to help with the lower abdominal pain. I'm assuming I would get constipation or irritation in that section which would cause the pain and the activia helped keep me a little more regular. I guess I also need to say, that I've always had to bear down some when having a BM. Rarely would I ever sit down and things just come right on out on their own. I also had a habit of sitting on the toilet for 30 minutes or so at a time mostly trying to clean myself. That skin tag which would swell that I was talking about, also swelled down into my anus later on swelling as big as maybe the size of half a small pinky finger in width and feeling like it went well down into my anus at least an inch. So if you can imagine, when I would pinch off a bowel movement stuff wold get stuck on either side of that swelling and I would have to not only wie on the outside, but also go in a good half inch tryign to wipe all round so that I wouldn't have any fecal matter coming out within the next few minutes of getting off the toilet. If I didn't wipe like this I would also get a lot of itching and irritation. QAfter wiping like this for a few years it became the norm, of course and everything seemed to be getting worse. My problems were happening more frequently and the pain was becoming worse. I would become really raw from the wiping and found that using baby wipes helped with that a lot. So I moved on to them for relief.
A couple years later and we are in 2014 My pain and these problems worsened so that I may be feeling some sort of relief 4 months out of the year in total. I'm really worried about things by now and start mentioning these problems to the only person I felt comfortable sharing this with, which was my Mother. She told me I probably had a hemorrhoid and to try pushing it back in if I could. I tried explaining that wasn't how things were down there, but the conversation never really went any further because I was so uncomfortable talking about it. Which brings us to August of 2015. I woke one morning needing to have a BM extremely bad. I usually have 2 BM's a day. One in the morning and one at night.12 hours apart. The first one is always more loose while the second is always hard and one I have to strain to get out. Well on this fateful day my allergies were acting up, sneezing like crazy, and I had to go to the bathroom so bad I barely made getting my boxers pulled down and sitting on the seat when I SNEEZED hard. That moment that I sneezed everything I had built up inside of me exploded out. I almost passed out from the pain. Jeez, the pain was s unbelievable. I mean I had been dealing with bad pain for a few years now and as of this last year leading up to the SNEEZE, almost everyday I was so raw and hurting so bad it was extremely hard for me to wipe. I would have to sit there after a bowel movement and let the pain ease up before wiping. After this SNEEZE, everything took a turn for the worst. I didn't think things could get worse until now. After making it off the toilet I was in bed in pain all day. Worst pain I had felt up until this point.
As the days and weeks went on after that day everything has snowballed. I became so depressed I stopped eating. fr 4 days straight at one point. Until I realized that even when drinking only liquids I would still have to have a BM, and maybe multiple Diarrhea BMs from all the liquid. Which were terrible. People talk about Fissures and the like feeling like broken glass. I can see that. But to me, I feel like I have molten steel hooks attached to the to of my inner sphincter while being pulled out in an endless cycle. And I feel like this even after a BM, for hours and hours. My days would be waking up, having a BM then trying to recover the rest of the day and hopefully being able to cal down enough to get an hour or two sleep at night before starting all over again the next day. Depression set in and I can honestly say the if my Mother hadn't just lost her own Mother and Father (due to old age) in the previous two years (one after the other). I would have committed suicide. I have always been a strong person, even though my anxiety has hindered me in life, and now that I think back on tings. these anal problems I've had all these years have also played a huge part in that as well. What young man wants to bring a girl home and take the chance of her finding something pretty large and swollen sticking out of his butt? The skin tag I am referring to stuck out at least half an inch and would swell to very sizes depending on pain and all that I guess.
Well, in January I finally broke down enough mentally that I had to some out and tell my Mother everything and explain how much pain I was in. I don't think she really understood it at first. And Apparently a few doctors I saw didn't either. As I stated earlier, I can't afford insurance these last few years. The payments and deductibles are crazy here in Texas for someone like me. So luckily the local clinic has cash-pay options with discounts. I've generally been able to stay away from doctors most of my life. That whole anxiety thing and me being a typical male account for that I guess. Anyways, the Doctor took a quick peek after I explained in DETAIL all my internal pains. He took a quick peek at the outside of my butt while I was slightly bent over. no finger exam or anything of the sort. He quickly told me I had an external hemorrhoid and prescribed me some Proctosol 2.5 HC cream. I wasn in extreme pain and borderline panic attack from the anxiety so my blood pressure was a little high of course. The doctor seeme more worried about telling me I needed to exercise and eat healthier than to get my blood pressure down while seemingly blowing off the anal pain I was trying to explain to him I was having. My blood pressure by the way, isn't bad, although it does go up a little when I'm in extreme pain, like most peoples would. I've always eaten home cooked and healthy meals with lots of vegetables, so diet isn't really an issue either. Although lately I have been eating a lot more brown rice.
The Proctosol did nothing for me, actually started burning me really badly and causing sever swelling. I've since come to find that I 've acquired an allergy to the hydrocortisone. I've been to 5 doctors in total, one being an Anorectal Specialist. I ended up not being able to afford the specialist because the Hospital would not work with any Cash-Pay peoples. They only wanted the full amount up front before anything could take place. This was the Scott & White group here in Texas. They just simply don't seem to car about anything but the money. However I did find a Surgical Group in Waco where I saw two different Surgeons after seeing a GI in the same area, who told me I had a Chronic Fissure and after a couple weeks of Nitro-Bid he prescribed me not working, and my pain continually getting worse, recommended the Waco Surgical Group and told me I needed some work done.
First Surgeon I saw there was a nice guy but very rushed, not explaining much or taking the time to listen to me. Just wanting to get right to looking in me. Which he did on that first visit, Went right in felt like an entire fist, or what I only imagined as an entire fist. I instantly started yelping, if you would, and pouring sweat... I mean I was pouring sweat, soaked from the pain I felt. He stopped of course and sent me home for a week. Told me to come bck and he would deaden the area and do a proper exam. So a week of trying to get over the pain he caused from that first exam. I go back to see him, they deaden the area with 10 shots in my rectum/anus. Out of nowhere, with no discussion or anything he banded me, then had his assistant put a second band in. at this point I knew little of what banding was. As soon as the second band from the assistant was placed I felt nerve pain all the way down my leg and into my back. I was completely deadened when I felt this. I asked but the doctor was done and rushed out of the room without saying anything. I was left with asking the assistant all my questions, which she couldnt really answer. The answers were generic. Sitz bath 3 times a day, more fiber more water. At this point Ive already been drinking close to 3 liters of water a day, which is insane in my opinion. And when I tried adding fibre to m diet... Well Adding ibre doesn't work for everyone, it makes my BM's extremely sticky and hard to get out like peanut butter consistency. Which means more wiping and more pain. So I've come to learn that my normal diet had plenty of fiber and instead of adding Fiber 1 products and things like that, adding a little more brown rice to my meals and cutting back on red meat seem to help the most. I still drink a lot of water though, maybe not quite 3 liters anymore as that was hard to do. But close to it. Anyways, back to the doctor visit. I get home and about an hour later the anesthetic wears off and am in the worst freaking pain I have ever been in. It feels like every single secting around my anus is torn. The throbbing and swelling was insane and then wear I was banded, Oh my gosh the pain was unreal my whole left side was in pain, leg back, butt cheek. Terrible pain. I think my Mother seeing this, finally realized how bad it truly was. She's seen me deal with a shattered hand like it was nothing. Seen me pour alcohol on gaping wounds from being cut by sheetmetal then just paper towel and cut tape it up, screw getting stitches! She's seen me deal with things easily that would have a lot of other people down and out. But not this time. I was severely shaking. I could not stand, sit, lay, crouch. I could not be still. The pain was unbearable. I made her take the pistol I kept in my room and put it away somewhere I could not get to it, that's how bad it was for me. However, the doctor was thoughtful enough to prescribe me Tylenol-3, which did absolutely nothing..... When I called the next day telling them all this. All I cold get was an assistant telling me to take sitz baths, take the tylenol as needed and "more fiber more water"......
For months up to this point I have been bed ridden. I can't sit or stand for more than 5 minutes at a time without being in extreme pain. Burning hooks as I was saying earlier. Even laying down causes pressure and pain. I was basically having to lay my hip on my right side, but then twist my upper body so my shoulders were more flat against the bed. Just to feel any relief. After the spasms and anything else calmed down enough to allow it. So I'm sure you can imagine the additional back pain I was getting from laying like this all the time.
The Surgeon I saw went out of town for a few weeks, so I went and saw the specialist I talked about earlier. Found out I couldn't afford him and tried researching others. All the specialists around are a part of Scott & White who will not work with cash-pay patients. They say they do, on their website but when you actually talk to them, they want you to come in pay the bill upfront, and then apply for financial aid....... How does this make any sense?
So I call to setup an appointment at the Waco Group again since they are the only group around who will work out payment plans. They are only General Surgeons. They work with Providence Hospital whom also work with cash-pay patients and will help with allowing for payment plans. Which I am so thankful for since no one else seems to be willing to help you unless you pay thousands upfront. Back to setting up that appointment. My original Doc was still gone so they scheduled me to see another Doc in his place. Immediately upon meeting this man I felt comfortable. He was a lot younger and not as experienced, on paper. But he was very personable.He sat and listened to everything I had to say, he explained things I had questions about. And he was the very first Doctor to agree with me that "more fiber more water" is just a generic thing that does not work for everyone since all people are different. I told him I could not take the Cortisone cream because it burned me so bad and caused worse swelling. by this time I've used Nitro-Bid for spasms, and nifedipine (which was mixed with cortisone so I couldn't use it. So I was prescribe diltiazem without the cortisone and he also agreed to prescribe me some xanax to help with the muscle relaxing. It did help quite a bit. Without the bad side effects I got from the Nitro-Bid (felt like I was hit by a tuck when I would use it, and it caused a rash with severe itching).
I was told to give him a call back in a week and let him know how things were going. Well, I was doing good for the first 3 days, then a bout of diarrhea set things right back to the beginning. So I call him back and schedule an appointment to talk about surgery. He prescribed me some Vicodin and more Xanax to get me through until the surgery. He did not want to examine me since I was in so much pain. He decided to go ahead and put me under anesthesia (knock me out) do an exam and possible Hemorrhoidectomy along with Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy.
Well, I had the Surgery yesterday at 7:30 am cst and it is now 6:30 or so the following morning. He prescribed me the same Vicodin but insists I take what I need up until the first bowel movement then try not to take as much after that. There was a little miscommunication I think, because he prescribed me the same dosage Vicodin after the surgery but said he prescribed me one that was twice as strong 10mg instead of 5mg, but looking back at my revious bottle, it was 10mg as well. And I was having to take 2 at a time to get tolerable relief. He only wanted me taking one at a time after the surgery because he said it was twice as strong. Miscommunication, but I wasn't going to try arguing with someone while I was still have out of it. But (knock on wood) so far the pain has not been as bad as before the surgery. He told me I had a row of hems stretching down from the external tag that were really swollen and raw, he said he cut those but tried to do as little cutting as possible. He also removed some skin tags that were round the fissure and performed the LIS which he said he was going to try not cutting much, since I was still rather young and may heal a lot easier than someone older.
I am dreading this first bowel movement as I've read so many horror stories online. I was so nervous and scared going into that surgery. So far though, considering he went in and did a thorough exam cut me and stitched me. And I'm not feeling anywhere near the pain I felt after the other doctor banded me and examined me. I would say maybe I may be on the path to actual recovery. By the way, that banding, 5 weeks after I was still in severe pain from it. Never felt any relief, it actually felt like the pain was worse. Which the bands were placed at the deep end of the "row of hems" my surgeon said he dealt with. I forget the medical term he used for it. But he said they can get pretty painful when like that. Which I guess that row of hems was that half finger sized swelling I've been dealing with all these years.

Well this is my story so far. Sorry if any of it was hard to understand. I've tried explaining as well as I can. But I've still not really had any sleep in quite some time all night I've felt like I needed to go to the bathroom but I fell I may need to push and I'm not wanting to do that right now. I don't know if it's packing or something wanting to come out or what. I did eat a light meal of some brown rice last night, took some miralax and then a couple of hours ago I went ahead and took 2 tbs of milk of magnesia. I'm not so sure I should have taken that, as I didn't realize it was a laxative. I thought it just softened your stool like the miralax but in your large intestines instead of the smaller. So I'm hoping that doesn't cause any problems. I also took my last Xanax earlier to thinking it may help. relaxing my sphincter even more. I wasn't prescribed anymore xanax after surgery, just vicodin.

Well, here is to hoping my first BM isn't too terrible ad every one that comes after is even easier. I'm really hoping I see an end to this pain. The Doctor told me the recovery will probably be 6 to 8 weeks.
Oh I am also taking Rutin with Vitamin C and B6. I started taking the Rutin a couple weeks ago and it seemed to be helping with hems I have in other places. Which the Doc said he left some in that he didn't think would be a problem, he just didn't want to do too much cutting. And that if they were a problem later they were in a position where he cold do some easy banding. My main problem has been that left side. It was een worse pain than the Fissure most of the time. It would hurt so bad it would cause me to spasm or cause my sphincter to keep trying t stop/cut off any bowel movement, which wold in turn tear the fissure. Then I would have both hurting tremendously.

I will try and keep this updated, depending on pain and current condition of course. Reading these forums did give me some hope when I was in my darkest moments. I had no idea so many others also went through this sort of thing. I would not wish this sort of pain on anyone, ever.

Have a good day everyone. And wish me luck with this first after surgery BM. Doc said the stitches will tear and it will be painful. They were just there to basically stop bleeding directly after surgery. Dreading it....
Last edited by Uvall on 10 Jun 2016, 01:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby chachacha » 19 May 2016, 08:28

My heart goes out to you, Uvall. You have certainly been through the wringer. I can't begin to say how sorry I am to hear how much you've suffered over the years.

I know that a hemmorhoidectomy can be very painful to recover from (I've only had LIS myself, but friends have had the procedure). At least you should be pain-free after the 6 - 8 weeks have passed though, so you have that to look forward to.

Thank you so much for sharing your story, because I'm sure that those coming after you will benefit greatly by reading it.

I wish you really swift healing and hope that your first BM comes out easily and without causing you pain.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Uvall » 19 May 2016, 09:36

Thank you o much! Did your LIS surgery help your fissure to heal? How have you been since the surgery?
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby chachacha » 19 May 2016, 10:00

Yes, and my whole story is here if you feel like reading it. I have my life back now and am beyond grateful!

Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Uvall » 21 May 2016, 10:11

As an update. I had surgery on Wed. Morning. It is now Saturday morning, 3 days later. I had two BM's Thursday and they were both almost completely water. I assume this was because I had only ate a small portion of brown rice and still took my normal dosage of Miralax. Yesterday (Friday) I had 9 BMs.... Yes 9 BMs all were almost completely water with very little of anything else in them. I also haven't been able to get any sleep what-so-ever because of my worrying and anxiety levels. I don't know if that is playing a part in all this or what. But this morning. After having my normal meals yesterday, I woke up took half a dose of Miralax and a dose of Citrucel within 3 hours I was on the toilet with another liquid BM. It wasn't as watery as all the ones I had yesterday, but it was borderline being all water.

I'm not sure if this is bad for my healing process or not. I haven't had any pain because the BMs have been liquid. The doctor said when I had a normal BM I would tear the stitches and bleed, which would hurt me but is all part of the healing process. This has not happened because I have not yet had a normal BM. So I'm worried that the longer it goes before having this normal BM the worse it will be.

And what makes this worse for me. I had called the Doctor yesterday to ask about this and find out if it wasn't too big a deal or if it were. The Doctor was in a "Clinic" they said. So I left a call back message with his assistant, and never had anyone call me back. Which is terrible in my opinion. I just hope I'm not making things worse.

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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Uvall » 23 May 2016, 16:23


Monday evening, 5 days after surgery. My BMs have become a little more regular and have luckily stayed soft. I do have to push a little to get them out now, they don't just come out on their own. They have the consistency of peanut butter I would say. I have been having some incontinence. I figure this may be due to the fact that my BMs were liquidy and are just now firming up a tad bit more. I am also having some minor bleeding, (I did have a skin tag removed from the 'entrance' as well), so there seems to be a hole there now where the suture has either come off or dissolved from the sitz baths. This hole will weep like it's trying to scab up. I figure this is normal and just part of the process. I have been walking around as much as possible and today I found I can actually sit down for a little while as well. I also have not been taking any pain meds besides the occasional Tylenol once or twice a day. I'm not sure the Tylenol really helps though, I guess I take it in hopes that it is doing something. Which brings me to the pain. The pain has not been that bad for me. It has definitely been way more tolerable than the pain I was suffering from before surgery. Before surgery I was taking 2, 10mg Vicodin every 4 hours for the next 12 hours after any BM I had while taking Xanax with Diltiazem cream to help with the fissure and Sphincter Spasms. Since I've had the surgery I've taken 14, 10mg Vicodin which I only took as precautionary measures leading up to my first BM. Since my last update (Saturday) my BMs have become a bit more firm and have been harder to get out, needing a little bit of pushing but not too much. The pain from having a BM is very minor in comparison to before the surgery. I get a slight heated burn but nothing that makes me wince in pain. Then afterwards I feel discomfort and try to rinse off in the shower before heading to take a warm sitz bath. This has pretty much been my routine. I'm still working on trying to get my body on a nice BM schedule, but that has been illuding me. Also, I've noticed that after a BM, I never really feel empty. I feel like I have to go again not long after but it's just not completely ready to come out. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, as I still haven't talked to my Doctor. Turns out he was out of town until tomorrow.... I am also still not having full sized BMs (not sure if this is normal either), they all seem to be around 'pinky finger'- 'ring finger' sized. I'm hoping this is normal as I am very scared of getting something like stenosis. But maybe that's just lack of sleep and paranoia playing it's part on my mind.
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Uvall » 25 May 2016, 17:25

Wed. one week post surgery. I don't seem to be doing bad at all. I've not had the pain everyone always talks about. I had multi-hemorrhoidectomy (internal) and LIS surgery performed along with the removal of several skin tags (one being a large external tag). Before my surgery the pain after a BM was debilitating. I would be down and out in most cases in pure agony for about 12 hours after. Fissure plus large hemorrhoids in a row leading into my anus from the external skin tag was terrible. One week after surgery I have to say, I was extremely scared of the surgery from reading all these horror stories around the internet since most claim the pain is worse afterwards. To me that would have been insanity. I could honestly not imagine pain more intense than what I was feeling. So yeah, I was really scared. I actually sent myself into a panic attack last Friday (2 days after surgery) in anticipation of that painful BM and the nightmare that would follow it for several weeks. But any means to an end, I was willing to take. This problem took my life away completely. This past year I was living a hell of sorts. Social life gone, family life was basically gone as well, and the deep depression I went into was horrible. Reading other's stories and realizing I wasn't so alone did help. I was on the edge of sanity and at that razors edge of just not wanting to gone on living anymore. The one major thing that kept me from doing anything terrible to myself to get out of the pain I was in, was my Mother. She had just lost both her parents over the last couple of years. She was the only one willing to stick by my side and try helping me with just about any of my needs. I could see the pain she felt for me as I was in my own pain. And I could not make things worse for her. So I tried sticking it out and eventually, after 5 doctors, finally having surgery done. I am still healing now for sure. But the pain is nothing like before. It's very tolerable for me now with the worst of all this just being the process of open wounds healing (blood and slight incontinence). I'm not very comfortable sitting yet, I have made it a point to walk around a lot. One thing my Doctor made very clear to me was that I should walk around as much as possible, even if hurting. He told me that it helped get the blood flowing and helped with healing. I have to say I think he was right. I'm still doing some sitz baths after my BMs and rinsing my rear instead of wiping. Like I said, inconveniences compared to the pain and trouble I had prior to surgery. My stitches are already all dissolved, I think they were gone before yesterday honestly.

Oh and also. Fiber isn't always your friend.... I finally figured out that the fiber was indeed causing my BMs to be really sticky (peanut-butter or tooth paste consistency). Which made going to the restroom a little more difficult since I had to actually push a little to get it out and/or never really feel completely evacuated after. So I cut out the extra Citrucel fiber and kept going with the Miralax and my regular diet. Everything seems to be good. I have loose BMs now, which my doctor told me I should have during this time. And I feel fully evacuated after going. It has also led to less incontinence. However I am not eating Red Meat right now, which is a slight deviation from my normal diet. I've been eating a lot more chicken and pork (and have always eaten vegetables).

So all in all, I'm so glad I had this surgery done. Only a week out of surgery and besides the minor setbacks from Anxiety and Depression causing me a panic attack or two along with a few sleepless nights. Everything else has been good. way better than the months before surgery. Hell even the 2 internal Hems they banded 2 months ago was more painful than this. I actually think that the banding made things worse for me. After the banding the pain was excruciating. I even had/have nerve pain down my left leg from the second band that was placed. I think that is half the pain I feel now. I also have slight internal sphincter Spasms after a BM, they started night before last. Doc told me that it was normal at this stage and they would let up over time. I lay with a heating pad at the small of my back. This usually calms the spasms down within 30 minutes and they don't return.

So anyone who has taken the time to read all of this. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel after all. Don't give up. And not all stories are horror stories. I think that most people who have work done, just go on with their lives and never say anything else about it. And this is the reason that very few stories on the internet are positive.

Good luck everyone! I wish you all well. I will come back in a month or so and post another update.
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Re: LIS for Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoidectomy

Postby Uvall » 10 Jun 2016, 01:31

Another Update:

OK, it hasn't quite been a month since my last update but I have had a few issues of late and decided I needed to go ahead and let you guys know what has transpired.

Right after my last post (the next night) I started getting a swelling and a sort of pressure pain in my left butt cheek area. It looked to be right around the area where the Doc made the incision for my LIS surgery. This was on a Wed. night if I'm not mistaken. Well, I just chalked it up to normal after surgery pain. By that weekend I had significantly more swelling and by Sunday I developed an open wound that was leaking puss. the area was swollen quite a bit, maybe the size of half an egg stuck under the skin. And the pressure pain was spreading farther out onto my butt cheek. I called the weekend "on call doc" who scheduled me to come in that Tuesday as Monday was Memorial Day. My Surgeon was away on vacation so I was supposed to see another Doc. Luckily when I went in my Surgeon was there also as he had come back early. They said I had a pretty bad infection/Abscess and since it was draining I had two options. Take Antibiotics to see if it would kill off the infection or go in for immediate surgery to have it drained and cleaned up. I being a massive chicken opted for antibiotics first. The Antibiotics seemed to reduce the swelling but did not get rid of the infection completely, so I was scheduled for surgery that following Tuesday, which was this past Tuesday the 7th of June.

The Doc went in and cut out the infection along with checking for any Fistula that I may have gotten from the abscess. He told me I had no Fistula that he could find but he did have to cut out a nice chunk of flesh from my butt cheek. He instructed me to leave the wound open, no gauze or any kind of ointments should be applied, he said. He said he wanted it to be able to drain properly and heal from the inside out. That was on a tuesday, it is now Thursday night 2 days after the surgery. I am not feeling much pain, which is amazing considering the size of the wound. But today I have noticed that I am draining a Cloudy Yellowish goo, a lot like the puss that was draining before he cleaned up the abscess. It also sometimes has a greenish tinge to it. I am worried now that something else may be happening. I am on antibiotics, 875mg Amoxicillin twice a day.

Is this normal? I was told he wanted the wound left open so it would drain, but I was not expecting to see more gooey puss like this. I am definitely calling him first thing in the morning but I am pretty dang worried right now, as I can';t find much info on the subject. And what info I have seen has been conflicting. I've read where it is normal then I've read where it isn't normal. So I'm scared I may be having yet another complication. Has anyone experienced anything like this or does anyone know anything that could help ease my mind about it? If so please get back to me on this.

Like I said, I am not in anymore pain than I was after surgery and I have not been running a fever, but I also never ran a fever when I had the massive abscess before the surgery. So I'm not sure that really matters. Also the discharge does not seem to smell bad like I've read other people reporting.

I'm leaving a link here to a graphic picture of my Bum and the wound I have after having the abscess cut. Be warned it is very graphic. It is a picture of my Hairy Male butt. I'm just posting this so that you can get an idea of the wound itself. This was taken as soon as I got home Tuesday after my Surgery. ... lder%2cJPG

thanks in advance and I hope someone has some info for me. Any info is good info!
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