4th day post surgery

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Re: 4th day post surgery

Postby Guest » 11 May 2007, 08:11

Lecia, Kim, and all,
Yesterday was GREAT! One BM w/out pain, (some itchyness though. Probably did too much but Oh man did it feel good to get out and do some work. There is a fellow working on our barns refurbisfhing doors etc... . Well I stayed out there with him for several hours . We went down into the river bottom looking for some cedar trees to cut down and use for bracing poles in the barn. He did most of the heavy lifting , I only lifted one or two things and did not seem to cause too much stress doing so . In the afternoon I ran some errands and mowed some . All of which caused no dilscernable pain or discomfort. In the evening I went to a meeting. Felt great when I went to bed last night.
But... I think my feeling good has caused or cotributed to my falling off , just a bit, from my diet, water regimen. I do not think I drank quite enough water yesterday, nor did I ingest quite enough fiber.
This AM my stool was bulky and a bit more formed than it has been of late. My BM caused a bit of discomfort not exactly pain but more uncomfortable than since the surgery. It is now about two hours after the BM 10:00 AM and I still feel some discomfort/itchyness. Maybe its all part of the healing process, maybe its a result of my doing too much, maybe it is a result of not eating enough fiber or drinking enough water yesterday, maybe all three.
In any event I am going to curtail my activity (go back to being much more sedentary) and eat more fiber, drink more water and eat less meat.
Hope for the best.
GOD Bless All!!

Re: 4th day post surgery

Postby Deleted User 5 » 11 May 2007, 17:42

Yes, MB, I agree...once you start focusing on daily life instead of the pain of the fissure, you tend to fall off the regimen! Actually, you weren't on it too long (?) so it may not be enough of an ingrained habit. But if you hang in another month or so, you really do increase your chances of not having further trouble and really putting this thing behind you!
In no time it will be July and you will be doing everything you used to do without worrying too much. All those chores will still be waiting on you, too!!!
God bless!
Deleted User 5

Re: 4th day post surgery

Postby Guest » 14 May 2007, 19:51

I returned to work full time today and it went GREAT. No trouble at all so far and it is now 9:45 pm. I had 3 BMs today and did not hav e trouble with any of them. Worked from 8 to 5 . It felt good to be back to work.
I go to see the surgeon tomorrow . I hope to get a good report from him.
Hope you guys are doing well and thanks again for all the help, advice , support and conversation you have given me over the last few weeks you have been real friends and lifesavers.
GOD Bless All!!

Re: 4th day post surgery

Postby Guest » 14 May 2007, 19:54

Anytime, MB! We're happy to be of help and hear that you are doing so well!
Congratulations and thank YOU!

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