Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Jimmy7223 » 21 Feb 2017, 10:31

I had a fissure at first and when i was diagnosed with that I was so relieved because maybe they finally found out what was wrong with me. They gave me nitroglycerine cream which provided some relief to the urinary symptoms (which were the main concern I had the whole time, I did not even care about the fissure pain) I believe due to the numbing ability it provided. Once the fissure healed, i still had the urinary symptoms so then i was very alarmed and when back to the urologist who would not budge on the prostatitis.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby suzyljank » 21 Feb 2017, 11:15

That feeling like you need to urinate constantly is awful and can be caused by pelvic floor spasms. All those muscles are interconnected. I first went to the doctor for that very reason and all along it was caused by the fissure and the spasms it was causing. PFD can be helped by specific exercises and sometimes muscle relaxers.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Otherwiseread » 04 Mar 2017, 19:16

I had prostatitis for many years, with pretty bad pain quite often. I thought it was never going to end, but now it mostly went away. I really think it was connected to the same reason as my fissures - tight pelvic muscles. What worked for me is you have to work on visualizing your muscles relax/your pelvic floor drop beofre you pee or ejaculate. Once they relax you may get a sharp pain from the fissue sometimes, but dont let that fool you. I dont want to be graphic here, but one time I put the finger in my butt and pressed on the internal muscle and that let me pee without any pain. From that point on I could just visualize the finger in my ass and the muscles would instantly relax.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby suzyljank » 05 Mar 2017, 06:58

You should consider dilation. That was and still is part of my recovery. Mr doctor had me start that about 2 weeks after surgery and it wasn't easy. Now it just takes a few seconds .It keeps the muscle and skin there more stretchable and if you are having spasms it helps stop the spasm.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Nathan123 » 19 Mar 2017, 10:45


I have had very similar issues but wanted to check with you to seem if this sounds right. I am 29 year old male straight male. Bear with me because this is somewhat long of an explanation. As a child I was diagnosed by doctor with an anal fissure due to large BM's. And growing up into adulthood I believe I would get anal fissures (blood on tp and occasional pain but not enough to send me to doctor) and sadly it just became some type of normalcy. A few years ago in my mid 20s I would get these 45 minute long episodes of the constant need to urinate and more minor urge to defecate (pressure in rectum feeling). I have probably had about 18 of these episodes over the last few years it is like torture and causes me to pace back and forth. Initially, I never went to the doctor because I thought well, whatever it was, it's done. For the first year these episode happened a few times and it was randomly but as I recall the AF would be bleeding during these times or I would have an episode of blood on TP shortly before the constant urge to pee episode. Then two years ago, I had an episode of the spasm except this time I really strained/pushed to urinate after urinating about 5 times in a 30 minute period. I ended up urinating blood clots after urinating normal urine about 5 times in a row (smaller amounts each time). I went to the quick care doctor immediately. Then years worth of tests began but I stayed silent on the AF as I did not connect the dots yet. The first urologists had diagnosed me with prostatitis as well. I had cystoscopies done, STD, bacteria tests, MRI's, and other tests. The results showed no stones, no bacteria, and some minor irritation to the bladder (doc didn't think this would cause my symptoms tho). I have continued to get these episodes but I never had blood in urine since that time two years ago. I have a very good urologist now who thinks it is muscle related because he mentioned that my sphincter or muscles surrounding it were going into severe spasm was the cause of these episodes. He did not think it was prostatitis either. I have never told him about my AF (or what I think is an AF). After he mentioned that this could be related to the sphincter spasms, I eventually connected the dots and feel like the chronic fissure is to blame for this. I do not think I had the symptoms as bad as you did (I could not imagine having the constant urge to urinate longer than an hour, it must have drove you to the brink of insanity). My urologist is a good guy and communicates via e-mail so I sent him an e-mail this morning asking if the AF could have anything to do with this.

Anyway, besides the episodes of needing to pee, I occasionally have very low urine flow in the morning and hesitancy. After BM this clears up. I do get sharp pains occasionally that feel deep into rectum which will cause a sensation at the tip of my penis. Again, I never place these two things together and still waiting to hear back from the doctor but I wanted to run this by you. As your symptoms became less frequent would you get similar episodes as I did? Does my explanation of my symptoms seem similar to yours? Lastly, how have you been doing... has this cleared up for you?
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby suzyljank » 20 Mar 2017, 11:24

I used to get burning and spasms and then once in a while a deep pain up the butt like a charlie horse. It was awful. Your muscles in the area are all interconnected so when they spasm they can cause the other muscle to do the same. I also did the urologist route but discovered along the way it wasn't that it was my butt causing the problems. Since surgery it's better and I'm so happy I did the advancement flaps. Of course after all that surgery you will always have to take care not to injure yourself again. I take a dose of miralax in the evening and adjust it up or down as needed. I also have IBS so I eat what works for me. Although I love fresh fruits and veggies I have to limit them or I'd spend the day in the bathroom. I do pretty well. I have my moments especially if I get sick or I'm under a lot of stress but you just deal with it I guess. Anal surgery can be painful and your butt will never be quite the same but if done correctly it can bring you a better quality of life. Living with pain and fearing every bm is a terrible way to live. Give it time, I had to wait almost 2 years for a full recovery and at then end that's what it will be. I needed every bit of that 2 years. Everyone is different so do what's best for you and if you're not comfortable or confident in your doctor find a new one. Good luck Suzy
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Nathan123 » 24 Mar 2017, 17:48

Thanks for the reply Suzy. I have a appointment schedule to see a proctologist as my urologist told me that if I had an anal fissure, it could most certainly could impact my urinary symptoms. Since the primary symptom of having the urge to urinate is for only for an hour or so at a time even though it has been occurring over three years, it does not occur too often and I could live with it as long as I know that it will not get worse. I have other symptoms such as random pains and sexual dysfunction at times but I read this could be related to AF as well. These seem to occur when I have blood on toilet paper after BMs as well. So I think overall there is a connection.

I am glad your surgery worked out for you. I am always concerned with surgery unless it is really necessary so I am hoping some cream and eating better will put me on a path to being cured. Definitely believe it could be muscle related too so I am going to do yin yoga which my urologist told me will help keep the pelvic floor from being so constricted. The muscles are likely constricted because of the injury to the anus and I have a bad habit of clenching my muscles when stressed.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Checkdis » 17 Jan 2018, 18:04

I think I am going trough the same thing. I just got a LIS on 12/21/17 to fix a severe fissure near the scrotum. My CRS said the fissure was down to the muscle. I have had multiple tests prior to the surgery from my Urologist in regards to my OAB symptoms. MRI was negative for bladder and prostate. PSA was 0.3 very low plus in 28 years old. No UTI, no Glucose, nothing in the urine. No pain, burning, blood and kidneys are okay. Diabetes is negative as well as diabetes inspidius. Which leads me to believe the fissure is the culprit behind the urination issues. So far I have been on and off after the surgery with experiencing issues, but lately it is starting to feel a lot better. On days I have large BM or multiple BM it starts to flare up the urination.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 03 Jul 2018, 15:58

I have had the same issues. I have not been checked for all thevthings like you have but my urination does go smooth one day and harder the next. Might be my medicated ointment the doc prescribed or the fissure itself like you said.
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Re: Anal Fissure Causing Urinary Issues

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 18 Jul 2018, 12:56

Same. Urinating is tough to finish or even start. Trails off in sections, I really have to focus sometimes. Other times it’s like there is no fissure. Seeing doc on Monday
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