Walking has become so difficult

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Walking has become so difficult

Postby stuckOnHold » 02 Jun 2012, 11:03

The nightmare that never ends. I just had to forfeit a planned trip to Turkey because I'm feeling so bad and can barely walk 200m. Earlier in the year the same thing happened to a trip to NYC. In total I've lost over Ј750 in holidays I've never actually been on. FML
I've been mentally trying to ignore this problem for so long, but now I've got to face it. It has been going on 2 and a half years now. The fissure comes and goes in severity, I have been told by some doctors that I have one, but other doctors say they cannot see one (after exam under full anaesthetic). I'll spare you the complete story and cut to my immediate problem: Walking
Does anyone else have this problem? Every day I walk to work and it usually starts off fine, but after a solid 15 minute walk (at normal pace) it starts to itch ever so slightly (not one I want to scratch exactly, but a light discomfort).
I walk steadily for 10 more minutes or so and the itch gets worse and worse and eventually turns into pain. A sharp sort of shooting pain, as if the skin is cracked. If I overdo it and get this pain a lot, it starts to become more permanent and I end up hurting all the time (and will result in a bad 'spell', of anal discomfort lasting for a week or so).
This is becoming a real problem for me as I need to walk to get places! The only solution I have is to walk veeeerry sloooowly. I plod down the road, it takes me ages to get anywhere and I'll have grannies overtaking me! On top of this my BMs are invariably uncomfortable, however it's the walking problem I want to focus on as that's affecting my life more right now.
I am wondering whether the itching might be caused by my daily preparations:
1. I apply GTN ointment after every BM and in the evenings before bed. I have been using GTN for 1.5 years and I am beginning to wonder whether my anus is in fact sensitive to the ointment, hence the discomfort.
2. I insert Vaseline into my anus every morning before I have a BM (as lubricant) and after. I find it difficult to believe that the Vasline might be causing sensitivity, however I do notice that I have a lot more fecal matter after a BM (even after washing) as the Vaseline is effectively 'sticky'. Does anyone else find that?
3. I have been taking Movicol (Miralax) for over 2 years now, and I take 3 sachets of it daily. I have read on some sites that Pruritus Ani (anal itching) can be caused by repeated laxative use.
So those are my theories. The logical thing to do would be to stop using one at a time to eliminate any possible causes, however I am a bit terrified of doing that — I have tried going without Vaseline/GTN before and it felt like a desert in my bum! It made the day v difficult. Also I'm so scared of cutting out Movicol as it keeps my stools relatively soft (I still get constipated sometimes though :( )
Does anyone have any similar experiences? I can't go on like this!
Any help would be sooo appreciated... thanks
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Re: Walking has become so difficult

Postby Sue27uk » 02 Jun 2012, 11:59

It may be the GTN. I used it for 6 months and got terrible itching and irritation. I had a break from it and re-started it in January and have been using it ever since until I have a procedure in the near future. This time around I have had no irritation (as yet!). You could try some soothing ointment on it such as E45 as this eased my troubles. If I were you I would go to your Gp or CRS to see what they say, as 1.5 years is a long time to use the GTN without a break. I can't comment on movicol as I use lactulose but if you are having quite a few bm that may be causing problems too (as I have IBS that has affected me in the past!!). You may also want to try aloe vera gel, I have used that on a skin complaint and it has eased things too, and some people on here have used that before to help. I'm sorry I can't help more, I had a simila sort of problem but as my fissure eased it has improved. I wish you the best in sorting this out :)
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Re: Walking has become so difficult

Postby stuckOnHold » 03 Jun 2012, 03:21

Thanks Sue. You may be right about the GTN. It definitely burns when I get too much of it on the outside of the anus.
Thanks for the Aloe Vera tip too, I have never thought of that.
For anyone interested, I have compiled the following list of applications to try for the irritation, which I will be trying out:
Coconut oil (pure)
Olive oil, Basil oil and Manuka Honey
Zinc Oxide cream
Aloe Vera
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