Why hard stool to start BM then soft?

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Why hard stool to start BM then soft?

Postby MirandaYvonne » 26 Oct 2020, 17:15

I just started Nifedipine two days ago, but before that I had been on Nitro for a month. For a couple weeks I’ve been eating almost no dairy or carbs to try to make sure my stool stays soft. It seemed to be a bit better, and then today I had a BM where the very first bit maybe was hard? But the rest of it was totally soft. I have no idea why this happens sometimes, but it sets me back. I may have a few good days, but if I just have that tiny bit of stool at the beginning of a BM be too hard then I immediately start bleeding again and have tons of pain. I’m on stool softeners, drinking plenty of water, and eat mainly veggies and fruit now, some whole grains, and a bit of protein. I’ve changed my entire way of life to try to solve this.

So if the Nifedipine doesn’t work, then I will need to consider surgery. Does anyone think surgery could still be successful if I never seem to be able to get my stool under control entirely? Would surgery make that much of a difference in healing compared to the nifedipine? Wondering if anyone has any insight or experience with this.
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Re: Why hard stool to start BM then soft?

Postby patience_and_healing » 09 Nov 2020, 21:49

I have not had surgery but I imagine it would make your body more resistant to the harder BMs without reinjuring. One thing I have tried that helps is put a bit of water up there with a clean plastic syringe before a BM. That helps to reduce any potential pain and make the beginning easier to get through.
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Re: Why hard stool to start BM then soft?

Postby missy moo » 02 Dec 2020, 14:42

I'm the same my bm tips are sometimes harder which has been my setback issue for 7 years now. I've had 2 rounds of botox but it still sets me back sometimes. I'm considering lis next year. I honestly don't think we can avoid that harder tip with every bm for ever I think it's natural an we should be able to pass it fine like we did as kids an before the fissure but I think the pressure from the fissure causes the area to not be able to handle it. It's a terrible cycle. Fix the pressure to fix the fissure to prevent the the fissure from flearing up an setting the pressure off again. We'll all get there one day.
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