Worried about fistulotomy

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Worried about fistulotomy

Postby MissBailey » 15 Jun 2018, 01:50

My CRS wants to do a fistulotomy without even having examined me!!
I developed a perianal abscess at the base of a skin tag after a tricky colonoscopy (by the same CRS). It burst on its own and has re-filled 5 times over the last 6 weeks. Each time the amount of pus and time to drain is less. Yesterday, it was no bigger than a hair follicle spot and disappeared after 1 hour.
Does this sound like a fistula to anyone??? I really don’t want an unnecessary operation...
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jun 2018, 06:35

Sorry to hear of your issue Miss Bailey.

I'm not a doctor or someone with extensive experience with abscesses but I would think for one to fill and drain 5 times over 6 weeks would suggest it is being fed by a fistula.

How is it going so far? Is it filling up again? Do you notice any pus in the area?

Did the surgeon check for Crohn's?
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby MissBailey » 15 Jun 2018, 09:07

Thanks for getting back to me.

When I say it’s filling up, it’s not like the first time, where it was very swollen and painful. This is like a (for want of a better word) pus-filled pimple at the root of a hair. And each time it’s getting less and less and draining/healing in a matter of hours.

I don’t have any underlying causes and my colonoscopy was all clear.

Maybe I should get a second consultant opinion??
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jun 2018, 10:45

Is it the same spot as the original abscess?
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby MissBailey » 15 Jun 2018, 14:53

A very small collection of pus forms at where the original abscess drained from. It was about 3mm yesterday and disappeared after about 1 hour. As I said, it has been decreasingly forming and bursting over 6 weeks. The original one was about 20mm.
It’s just when I’ve googled perianal abscesses, they seem much much larger and swollen. I’m wondering if it’s the original abscess still draining?
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jun 2018, 16:00

Is it strictly pus like yellow color? Do you notice any blood or other colored liquid from the spot?
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Re: Worried about fistulotomy

Postby MissBailey » 18 Jun 2018, 01:57

It’s just pus. The last one couldn’t even be seen with the naked eye - just by magnifying it x10. It was about the size of a hair follicle. And it disappeared in an hour. No pain.

I’m worried to have an unnecessary op, but I know that there are implications of leaving a fistula (if that’s what it is?)
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