2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

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2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby kkmark » 03 Aug 2013, 19:38

Hello guys
How is everyone. Hope everyone is having great weekend. Just wanted to share with you guys I am doing good still recovering. Today is my 20th day post fistulotomy. I am still trying to sit comfortable even thought I don't have pain a little irritation after bm n itchy after whole day at work.
Thank u so much guys helping me cope up with this I have follow up with crs for seton tightening did anyone get this done. I am little bit worried heard it might be painful and also want to know how u drove to work right now my hubby drops picks me up from work :) and I put soft pillow but still not comfy sitting pressure n I stand at work most of the time
Thanks guys
Please share ur experiences we can help each other
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby richibeno » 04 Aug 2013, 08:57

Hi Kathy
Sounds liked your doing great '
I only had a drainage Seton after my op to remove my abscess just try to keep the area as clean as poss 'hopefylly after the Seton is tightened a couple of times the fistula will move into a lower position so the surgeon can operate (fistulotomy) or it may even fall out on its own accord
Has the fistula gone through much of your sphincter muscle
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby kkmark » 06 Aug 2013, 09:18

Hi richibeno
I had peri-anal abcess in 2008 n have been delaying my fissure surgery till last month didnt want to go trhu it so i went thru the pain all these years but this yr may,jun it got worst that's when decided to get the surgery done. I guess it was to close the sphincter so he had to do it with seton. Yes hoping i won't have anotehr surgery n the seton falls. my CRS didn't say anything about another surgery. I had my followup this week but got canceled so have my second checkup next week with seton tightening
Does seton tightening hurt i am so scared abt this.
Few questions
How did you sit with seton still in thr i still sit one bum n try to work standing up most of the time :). I am not even driving yet how did u manage to do sit at work n then how difficult was it driving.
I absolutely don't have drainage since 1 week is that normal :)
Thank u so much for all the info.
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby Diamond » 06 Aug 2013, 12:50

Kathy I just sent you a private message about the sitting issue! When I started working .. I worked from home for a week - I was sitting on a pillow, and sort of lop-sided?
Regarding the no drainage - that's really good news as long as you don't have pain! Maybe the tract is drying out?
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby Ever the Optimist » 07 Aug 2013, 13:46

Great to read you are doing so well!!
I can't comment on the Seton as I didn't get one but people do report that it's more uncomfortable rather than painful as such.
That is great news on the drainage too.......I actually only had a few days of very minor drainage and then mine stopped totally too - some get it for months after (but are still healing OK) It sounds like you are doing pretty well in your healing. It's great to read. Keep up all the good stuff you are doing!! :) 
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby kkmark » 08 Aug 2013, 19:35

Diamond - yes thr is no drainage n no pain. I tried to drive today from work my hubby sitting beside me it was not bad tried not to put pressure on the left side. After BM I don't havepain but doing sitz bath every morn.
ETO- yes I am happy I have no pain or dont feel uncomfortable still taking miralax, colace and Metamucil. All these are helping me. I had only 1 checkup after my surgery it was supposed t be today but the dr rescheduled it for next fri. Hope when he sees it and he says ur healing good that will be blessing :)
Trying to drive a little bit thank u guys for all ur support.
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby Ever the Optimist » 09 Aug 2013, 07:19

It's really great to read you are doing so well!!!
In a few weeks, you'll be wondering why it took you so long and you'll be able to get on with your life again.
Very happy for you! :) 
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby kkmark » 11 Aug 2013, 11:27

Yes hope as u said I would feel good in few weeks :) I am worried abt my seton tightening this week n hope u has to only few times then t will fall out. What questions do I need to ask him will write it down.
Didn't get chance to talk to him after my surgery even though he checked me once didn't get chance to chat as he said I was doing good.
Thank for the support
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby Ever the Optimist » 11 Aug 2013, 14:55

Hi Kathy,
I really don't know how the Seton tightening affects someone - I can only imagine a little discomfort but nothing too frightening. I know Rich on here had a seton and not sure whether it was tightened or not, but if so, I'm sure he could definitely advise better than me. Calling Richibeno!!........
My main question I guess, would be just to check the wound is healing properly with no issues. I don't think there is too much to ask at this stage if you are feeling OK and your CRS is happy too. He may be able to give you a better indication now too of how much closer you are now to losing the seton & making a full recovery too.
I'm sure everything will be just fine, even with the seton being tightened and I will be thinking of you on Friday :) 
You're doing really well!
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
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Re: 2 1/2 weeks after fistulotomy with seton

Postby richibeno » 11 Aug 2013, 15:02

Hi Kathy
I had a drainage Seton .
Basically a thread which went through the fistula to keep it open so it could drain .2 months later the surgeon .the took it out and don we a fustulotomy .where they deroof the fistula tract .it was likw a deep paper cut .
A cutting Seton is a Seton which cuts through the muscle and fistula tract .it makes its way to the surface .it is tightened every month or so .it works as you move about ect.it moved the tract into a position where it may fall out or the surgeon may do a little op to remove it and open the remaining tract
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