32F LIS Post op experience

LIS for posterior and anterior fissure

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 03 Aug 2022, 20:57

That’s good!
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 04 Aug 2022, 01:51

So today wasn't great a little increased slight pain during bm then heaps of little spasms over the morning which weren't too bad but definitely not a day reminded me of what I've been through and were i am now. Still thinking positive for the coming days
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Suffering2long » 08 Aug 2022, 02:24

Good luck Amy for your procedure today!
Missy, It sounds like your fissure might be healing. I hope so!
I saw a new crs today, he listened to my history with shock, saw the fissure and he booked me in for lis. I’m finally getting the operation done after six shitty years. He said it was unfair that the doctors I have seen have scared me so much. He knew the doctors I was talking about. He had so much confidence and said he does about 4 a week and has done many. The risk is mainly for wind and he said after 8 weeks of creams, he goes straight to lis and doesn’t bother with Botox. So there you go, I’m cautiously optimistic but after all these years of being scared off, I can’t help but worry.
I’ll update of course.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 08 Aug 2022, 09:35

Hope it’s healing too Missy! Suffering2long Thank you! I go I in in a couple of hours. That new dr sounds so promising. I don’t know if I’ve told you but I went to two surgeons before this one because the one wasn’t confident and the other scared me and told me I’d be better off not doing it with the outcomes he’s seen. If he does 4 a week he has tons of experience I’m sure! I’m excited for you. When is your surgery date? I understand your nervous but I really think you will be ok!
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 08 Sep 2022, 18:36

How are you guys going now? Both has lis?
missy moo
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 08 Sep 2022, 22:00

I only had ended up having a fissurectomy this time around, apparently the skin was thin so she didn’t want to do a second lis too risky. I have an appt with her in 4 weeks and I’m going to ask if it’s ever an option in the future if this doesn’t work. I’m assuming it was thin because I just had surgery last November.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Suffering2long » 10 Sep 2022, 03:06

Hi guys, yes I had lis in mid august. First week was pain but not horrible. Since then I’ve had no pain when going to bathroom but afterwards I’ve got a 2/10 uncomfortable feeling. Not sure if it’s pain but I can feel either the fissure or incision. Not sure. I get a bit discouraged because I’ve read that people are pain free by 2 or 3 weeks. I’m getting close to 4 weeks now. I’ve had the itchy stage and that’s almost completely gone.
Good news is no incontinence and I can go a lot easier now!
Amychristine, how does it feel now you’ve had the fissurectomy done?
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 10 Sep 2022, 09:25

Great news! I think the lis recovery can take longer then that to heal, everyone’s different too. Thats good the itching is gone that’s a sign of healing. So glad your not incontinent! My surgery feels good so far. It was more painful then the lis but most pain was on day 3. Had to start taking the meds she prescribed for a couple of days. I’ve made some changes with my diet because I really want this surgery to work. No red meat, no bread, and no alcohol. Not like I would have a lot before but sometimes they would be linked to flare ups. Going to try to stick with this for a while. My surgery almost got cancelled while I was in the hospital. I had to wait an extra two hours to get it done. The surgeon apparently pulled some strings to get me in. There were not enough beds in the recovery room because the hospital had a lot of emergencies that day. So that was stressful! Especially after driving two hours and getting a hotel for the night. Missy how are you doing?
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 10 Sep 2022, 22:27

Hey I'm actually doing the best i have in nearly 9 years all from dropping softeners and allowing normal stretchy bms some hard to start with actually basically every first morning bm is hard to start with and i only get sone discomfort from tine to time like maybe every 4-6wks. Muscle can handle bms now. Definitely if you don't use it you lose it. I also take 1tso of psyllium husk a day but thats such a small amount i wouldn't say its helping. I'm eating mostly vegetables since I've gine mostly vegan not strictly and its since healing so thats not responsible for my healing. I squat for bms aswel i believe that helps. I would say I'm healed haven't seen blood or had proper pain pain in months. Feeling so blessed but i definitely think i did my time and deserve to be free. Positive thinking and self love helps atlot too. You got to think of yourself as healed and that you deserve to be healed. Mite sound odd but it was like my fissure was my body trying to get attention like a child displaying bad behaviour for attention an love so give yourself attention an love else were and ignore the bad behaviour i truly think this helped i stopped caring about the fissure and would say it is what it is. I use to feed it with lots of attention and pitty parties. I guess i cut up that contract and agreed on a new one which didn't involve pain. Hope that resonates with someone. I hope we all heal 100%.
Look up the medical medium he's extremely helpful with advice to self heal. Look right into it what else have you got to lose.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 11 Sep 2022, 09:36

That’s great that it’s working for you. I do think our mind set has a lot to do with healing as well as minimizing stress. I’ve read a little on medical medium and he’s healed a lot of people. Did you read the one about how to heal chronic illnesses?
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