32F LIS Post op experience

LIS for posterior and anterior fissure

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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 27 Mar 2022, 17:02

Suffering2long honestly if i was you I'd get a second opinion go to a different doctor not the one who advised the flap or tag removal and see what they say. I've never ever had a surgeon mention flap or even a tag removal i think most surgeons know lis is gold standard an the only real go to operation and most know to leave tags alone even if doing lis leave tags alone. Was it the same surgeon who said flap an then who also say tag removal? I would be wanting lis right now if i was you just because your in pain anyway/ trying to heal may aswel do it at the same time you can even ask for botox an lis the botox helps the first 12wks with healing both the lis cut and the fissure cut then it wears off after 12 to 24wks enough time for it to help asset with healing. I'll be asking fod both myself
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Suffering2long » 27 Mar 2022, 20:44

Yeah I understand what you’re saying but I have already seen a few surgeons now. I don’t think I could go through the whole thing again. In my experience, the surgeons all need to go through the steps of examinations, creams for 6 weeks, Botox and then sometimes repeat Botox before offering lis. Maybe even throw in a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy for good measure.
The first highly recommended crs promised the world and in the end refused point blank that he would ever give me a lis. He offered me Botox for the rest of my life though. Second crs was the rudest and coldest man to me. He suggested fibre is the one and only permanent cure.
The current crs is very kind albeit a tad conservative. She is excellent in her field, a master surgeon and lecturer. The flap was done after months of tests and considerations. I agreed to go ahead with that but had I pushed for lis, she would’ve done it. I’m unsure why she removed the tag but will be asking her when I see her in a few weeks.
I have confidence in her to do the lis when it eventually comes around. I’m convinced today that I need it.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 27 Mar 2022, 22:26

Suffering2long are you also having a bad day? Me too today is the worst I've had in like 6 months so disappointing these days remind us that it's not going anywhere without the needed surgery. I feel like my muscle just doesn't work like it use to some days i feel like i have to push though a wall it feels like something is actually blocking the way but its just a tight closed exit. I miss the days of when bms just happened i didn't think about them an some times if a little constipated or in a hurry i would push an nothing bad would happen. My kids all instinctively push their bms out even when perfectly formed an soft so our condition is not normal at all it has nothing to do with what we eat its not normal to not even be able to pass a soft bm without tearing!!! I've had flear ups from perfect bms an even soft serve bm. How about you guys? That's when you know its a muscle problem ay
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Suffering2long » 27 Mar 2022, 22:55

Yes to everything you said Missy..it just doesn’t end!
I had an ok day yesterday but this morning’s BM was not great. It felt stuck. No blood but the spasm after is still there 6 hours later
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 27 Mar 2022, 23:30

I'm sorry to hear that :( its just so rubbish isn't it. I think after i get lis I'll be so proud that i faced my fears maybe thats why we need to get this surgery to push through this like big girls. Im I just so scared of surgery i know i need it.

I don't get spasms well it doesn't feel like my muscle is spasming. I get an ache and or random sharp up the bum type of pain and a constant soreness like an open wound sore/pain to the point that i do things slowly an it hurts to sit even just bending down on the way to sit down hurts, walking hurts, coughing hurts, passing wind hurts, and this pain is on my mind kind of pain can't think clearly. Its only just subsided now and its 5.30pm, I've had constant pain since 7.30am so 10hours of pain. I had 2 bms this morning which does not help. There is nothing worse then having a chronic sore fissure after a bm to then need another bm 10mins later i literally nearly cried i try not to cry in pain anymore an just try get on with it.
Last edited by missy moo on 28 Mar 2022, 16:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 28 Mar 2022, 14:09

Missy I’ve had those thoughts as well it’s so hard. When do you get to see your surgeon? I hope today was better for you. You should totally still travel! I have been to Mexico and Cuba on all inclusive trips and the food choices they have there are amazing. I would eat tons of papaya and pineapple and my digestion was fine. The food or drinks didn’t seem to bother me there which was nice. Suffering2long did you have an advancement flap surgery done? I had to deal with some cold drs as well and it took me a long time to find someone good that knew more about them. I’m glad you found a good surgeon that will do a LIS if that’s what you choose to do.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 28 Mar 2022, 16:30

I have my appointment on the 4th of April so only 1wk to wait. They gave me a bowel prep thingy but they aren't doing surgery just an exam. Did you guys do bowel prep for just a consultation? I've had about 4 other consultations with other crs an never have i ever been told to prep my bowel!! I'm 100% not doing it they are nuts why would i do that to myself then try sit in a car for a 2hr drive just to get to my appointment
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby Amychristine » 28 Mar 2022, 16:52

Oh yay it’s coming up hang in there! I never was asked to do a bowel prep for an appointment. I will say though when I did see the surgeon for the first time she didn’t even see the fissure she just inserted a finger to feel the area. Maybe she wants to do a digital exam or something and wants to be able to see fully inside? Not a bad thing but I get why you don’t wanna do one if you have to drive. I had to do one a hour before surgery so and they recommended staying in a hotel so I could use that bathroom there and be comfortable. My CRS was a two hour drive away as well. I’m surprised they are not considering that for you but I’m sure it’ll be fine regardless if you don’t do it.
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 28 Mar 2022, 17:21

Boy I'm sick of having to log in lol it won't auto log in. I'm us3a temporary password because I keep getting mucked around by this website an randomly being locked out etc. Anyway i hope they don't think they are gonna have a good old look in there I've had botox twice and scope used both those times to have a good look 1 gave me an extra fissure so i was not happy about that at all but I'm sure if they bring up my file they won't need to do a proper exam because I've already had a few. I mite not even be able to let him look at it I've refused in the past because everyone wants yo look at it which hurts and achieves nothing yes i have an anal fissure. I just really want to ask heaps of questions and get a second opinion i really hope he can get me in for a tone test and i hope he gives me hope that I'm a good candidate for lis an puts my mind at ease. Fingers crossed
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Re: 32F LIS Post op experience

Postby missy moo » 28 Mar 2022, 17:26

So already it looks like Amychristine and Phoenix1510 our lis ladys are doing well and myself an suffering2long non lis lady's are doing poorly and are in all day pain.
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