by Rich44 » 01 Jul 2022, 09:13
Lesson one of pooping class: RELAX. The more you panic, the more your stress, the more difficult things may be. Try to take it nice and slow and be confident that every day is one step closer to pain-free living. You are merely days away. I almost want to be Obi-Wan in the original Star Wars - Use the force. Let go Luke! And when I mean let go - stop taking stool softeners. Bulk up your stool so your sphincter can learn to have a normal BM. You are going multiple times a day probably BECAUSE your stool is not bulky enough. If your stool is too soft, your sphincter will tighten up and you'll be right back in trouble. If I was you, I would stop stool softeners and laxatives immediately. 44 male in Texas? You can do this. You had the surgery already. Have your BM naturally and do the sitz baths. I strongly encourage the bowl on the toilet one. It's so much for comfortable than the tub (and easier).
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
LIS, skin tags removed - Oct 2020
Fissure 100% healed - Nov 2020
Still healed and happy as of December 2024!