44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 30 Jun 2022, 08:56

I go to the CS on July 11th for my first consultation. I'm thinking of flat out asking for the surgery. I've been dealing with this for 3 and a half months. GP misdiagnosed me with hemmerhoids so I spent a month taking hem meds that didn't work. Then had to wait another month to see a gastro specialist who prescribed me nifedipine. 3 weeks and no results so far. I can't drive or work without sitting on a donut cushion. At work I lay on a yoga mat during my breaks to take the pressure off my butt. I just want this to end.
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

July 2022 Botox injection under anesthesia
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 30 Jun 2022, 10:02

@Dust2Dust - so sorry to hear you’re going through this nightmare. Did the gastric specialist confirm you have a fissure or fistula? Who knows why, but the creams never worked for me. I’m almost positive I had suffered from a fissure before when I was younger but it was only acute apparently and healed. This most recent occurrence certainly turned into a chronic case. Hopefully your specialist while support your decision and give you detailed feedback. I wish you the best and a fast recovery.

Day 3 - Had my first BM! My goodness, that was some ordeal. I have not been taking painkillers and was a little anxious about why my BM wasn’t coming. It was probably nerves and the fact I bulked up on fiber the first and second day after surgery and probably compacted myself. I did drink milk of magnesia this morning at 6:30am and the BM came around 8:30am. I did have to sit on the toilet for about 20 minutes. There wasn’t really pain it was just a pressure feeling getting it out. It was soft but bulky. A bit of blood but not worrisome. Afterwards, I got in a bath for about 20 minutes and then showered off. I just want to make sure I’m keeping everything clean.

Overall, had a much better night and was able to sleep through for the most part. I did take 2 Motrin before I went to sleep just in case. I did have some leakage overnight but not too bad.

So far an hour or so after BM there is no significant pain, maybe 1/10. Some slight burn or twinge. I figure the fissure is still there and hopefully healing now, so there will be some pain.

I have mostly been laying on my side and haven’t tried to sit up for too long but not too much pain again sitting. I did walk a bit yesterday on my treadmill for 30 minutes at very very low speeds. I just wanted to get my digestion going. Will try to walk again today.

I work from home but took three days off to just relax. But really I could have done work yesterday.

The pain so far peaked the first night home from surgery, probably a 5/10. Whereas as you all know, my worst fissure pain was 10/10, on bed crying.

Will continue to post and see what this next phase of recovery brings. I imagine after first BM is the next phase for me.

Best wishes
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rich44 » 30 Jun 2022, 12:58

Once I had the first BM post surgery it was all easy street. I think I was pain free by the 10th day. I saw the surgeon around 3 weeks after surgery and he said the fissure was completely healed. Haven't looked back since.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 30 Jun 2022, 13:28

@Rich44 That’s pretty fantastic that you had such a smooth and long lasting recovery.

I will say the pain did rise slowly after this morning’s BM. It’s a bit throbbing and sore, like a 4/10. It was definitely somewhat traumatic having this first BM. The milk of magnesia did work fast. I did have to endure some pushing which was involuntary almost. And had a bit of nausea afterwards strangely. I drank only 30ml of it as recommended.

I know it’s super early on, but hoping for some regularity now.
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rich44 » 30 Jun 2022, 13:47

Surgery always throws the colon out of whack because the pain meds they give you can back things up. Not a major problem after 3-4 days. I just had double inguinal hernia surgery a week ago and it took over 3 days before I could go. This recovery has been harder than the LIS for me. But the LIS was far more wonderful because it cured a chronic hell I endured for 6 years. I wasn't really in pain from the hernias (yet). Either way, I should be fine soon and so will you in a week.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 30 Jun 2022, 13:59

Thank you Rich! I’m sure you’re right about the blockage. 6 years of that!!?? I could absolutely never endure such a thing, that sounds worst than any horror movie as far as the longevity of pain.

I wish you brighter days ahead for your current recovery!!
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 01 Jul 2022, 07:51

Day 4 - sorry, it’s really 3 days after surgery. Anyway, the pain yesterday did rise a bit in the afternoon after my first BM. Probably got to an easy 4/10. It did dissipate towards the evening but it was still tender down there. I did have some leakage throughout the day and last night. Slightly less than the day before.

This morning I was able to have actually a couple of BMs which is my normal routine. I did not need to take any laxatives only stool softener just in case. My BM was not super bulky but definitely soft. Even so, after my first BM this morning there was an immediate sharpish pain. It did go away quickly, in about a few minutes. I got in the shower, I did notice that some stool didn’t make it fully out and was just outside my anus and in my cheeks. It reminded me of my bad fissure times when my anus would just tense up and cut off any stool from exiting and there would be pieces just left hanging. Or maybe I just tensed up due to the pain.

My second BM this morning was initially a bit smoother but there was also pain immediately after. I am actually currently sitting on my sitz, which does seem to calm the area down. Pain during this morning’s BMs has been the worst so far, 7/10.

I’m hoping it want be long lasting like before and will more quickly calm down. I will take some Motrin here soon.

There was no blood, which maybe is a good sign but even in my worst fissure times I didn’t have blood.

I think I need to take a pooping class, because maybe my whole BM routine is messed up. I don’t know if I’m doing the process too quickly or if I’m being on the toilet too long. What does it look like to push too hard, what is just right? I don’t know.

I did a little light walk yesterday and hoping to do same today. Still overall tender and can’t sit on my rear for too long at a time.

Have a good day.
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rich44 » 01 Jul 2022, 09:13

Lesson one of pooping class: RELAX. The more you panic, the more your stress, the more difficult things may be. Try to take it nice and slow and be confident that every day is one step closer to pain-free living. You are merely days away. I almost want to be Obi-Wan in the original Star Wars - Use the force. Let go Luke! And when I mean let go - stop taking stool softeners. Bulk up your stool so your sphincter can learn to have a normal BM. You are going multiple times a day probably BECAUSE your stool is not bulky enough. If your stool is too soft, your sphincter will tighten up and you'll be right back in trouble. If I was you, I would stop stool softeners and laxatives immediately. 44 male in Texas? You can do this. You had the surgery already. Have your BM naturally and do the sitz baths. I strongly encourage the bowl on the toilet one. It's so much for comfortable than the tub (and easier).
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 01 Jul 2022, 10:37

Haha. You’re absolutely right Master Obi-Wan! And yes, you do have the high ground, so I will concede). I definitely need to learn to relax and Let Go)

Yesterday was actually the first time I have had to use a laxative in a long long time. And I used it because the doctor said I should. Believe me it was quite traumatic and caused me near stomach convulsions. But I think I’m on the right path now. I will definitely stop the softeners as well starting asap. I will stick to fiber, water, and a leafy healthy diet.

Still have soreness after my morning BMs but the pain is subsiding and not nearly as great as pre surgery. The sitz baths are definitely helping now and easy to maneuver from.

Thank you so much Rich for your input and support!! Thank you for not dealing in absolutes, because only a sith deals in absolutes))
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 02 Jul 2022, 08:15

Day 5 - Had my somewhat recently routine 2 BMs this morning. They were bulky ish and soft. Pre fissure I was generally having a few BMs per day, likely 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon, sometimes I would even have 3 BMs. But ever since my fissure, this has been the way it goes for me. I am eating lighter now and at less frequency per day so I guess it makes sense.

Anyway, definitely less and almost no pain during BMs today. And no real pain afterwards so far. I still have the surgery soreness for sure. But not the burning and throbbing like before pre surgery. Pre LIS after BMs my anus would lock up and the pain would erupt and then after 3 or 4 hours there would be a release almost. I would then have some fecal matter basically ooze out and I would feel somewhat better. But not going through that now.

Yesterday the pain did come down throughout the day and didn’t have to take any meds at all. So far this morning I have not taken any stool softeners, no laxatives, and no pain meds.

I have continued to have some leakage which I think comes out when I pass gas. It’s not substantial but noticeable. I am wearing a depends type of underwear. I have not seen any blood since the second day after surgery. I did a little bit of a brisker walk yesterday for 35 minutes and will shoot for the same today.

I do feel like each day is slightly better than the day before, but will remain vigilant and be patient. I know this is not an overnight type of change.

Feel free to ask any questions. Take care all.
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