44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 03 Jul 2022, 08:23

Day 6 - Yesterday was an overall good day. Fissure pain after my BMs was almost non existent, the surgery pain was minimal, 1/10. Just the residual soreness. No pain meds needed. Ate soup and a salad and had my usual fiber drinks and fruit. And needless to say, lots of water. I was able to get out of the house for the first time and went to a local coffee house. Was not too bad.

This morning I had my usual 2 BMs. Again, they were bulky but a bit firmer today than yesterday. I did see some blood while cleaning myself. It wasn’t much but the first time I’ve seen it since the first day or so. There was slightly more pain today while defecating, a bit sharpish but it quickly eased after a few minutes, 3/10. I did a shower and then sitz bath after my 2nd BM. Sitz is helping. Not using any creams and no salt in my sitz. Nurse said not to use salt as it could aggravate the area.

Good thing is my anus is not going through the intense spasms as before the surgery. I’m not getting the feeling like my anus just locks up after my BM. I know some people say sometimes they feel that the poop just falls right out, like they are loose down there. But that’s certainly not the case with me. I still feel tight ish down there.

I am still having some leakage. As other people have said here, I will take leakage if it means I get my life back. But I’m not like pooping in my pants and I can control my gas, there is nothing involuntary with my gas now. And I can “hold” myself in the morning’s until I get to the toilet, but the urge can come on strong.

Continuing my walks and so looking for normalcy again, meaning being pain free down there.

In the Dallas, TX area there are a group of 15 or so CRSs who are all pretty highly rated. I see one doctor from that group. Men and women doctors. If anyone needs their contact info, let me know. Take care everyone.
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 03 Jul 2022, 14:25

How is sitting down for you? Are you able to sit on hard surfaces after LIS?
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 03 Jul 2022, 15:19

Hi Dust, have not attempted sitting on a hard surface yet. I still have definite soreness and slight pains to sit on soft surfaces. I can maybe sit on my couch for 10 or 15 minutes without feeling uncomfortable. I just then lay on my side. I will try to do more sitting up.

Today seems initially like a slight step back. With the blood and pain after my morning BMs stayed around for hours and was annoying enough for me to take Motrin. Like a solid 4/10. Oddly, I just recently had a 3rd BM today which is rather unusual for me. It wasn’t diarrhea. No pain after or during this BM but probably because the Motrin is still working.

I need to work on my patience and give myself a more realistic personal timeframe for healing. It will be a week on Tuesday since my surgery so way too early to pop champagne on anything.

Dust, did you also recently have the surgery or you have an appointment for it?
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 03 Jul 2022, 17:11

No surgery at least not yet.. I have a 1st consultation with a CS on the 11th to discuss options. I want to give the nefedepine a full shot to work before giving up on it. I've been taking it 3 weeks.

I believe it's working. I only have maybe 1 spasm per day now and I can now sleep comfortably on my back for the first time in months. I had to sleep on my side previously because my ass was so soar.
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

July 2022 Botox injection under anesthesia
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 03 Jul 2022, 18:24

I see. That’s certainly positive to see that the ointments are making a difference! I would suggest going the conservative treatment route if at all possible. And of course as a last resort, surgery.

Wish you the best! Good luck at your consultation. I did try a hard sitting surface about an hour ago at a cafe)). I was able to sit about 25 minutes and then some mild discomfort kicked in. At home now and no residual pain. We will see what the next shining glorious day will bring.
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 04 Jul 2022, 08:26

Day 7 - Tomorrow will be a full week after surgery. Sorry for inundating you all with my ramblings. I will be sure to start posting in week intervals after tomorrow.

Yesterday was not bad after the rough early start. After I took two Motrin yesterday the pain really subsided and felt good. No issues after my 3rd of the day BM yesterday. I was able to do some clothes shopping and grab a smoothie. I of course still have some soreness and discomfort walking but it’s getting better each day. My nights have been great. I’m able to sleep on my back for periods and on my side, rolling around is not an issue now. I am also able to sit up on hard surfaces for up to 30 minutes.

Today I have had my BMs, no blood and very minimal pain and no spasms. I do still have leakage. I will be upfront with everyone because we are all adults here. During this fissure nightmare time I was in no condition to participate in any kind of sexual activity and it’s added to the stress. Last night I was able to perform some activities, short of intercourse, and had no spasms or striking pain. It’s a part of life that for me was drastically impacted during this nightmare and of course was an impact on my spouse. Obviously I’m still taking it slow but it’s wonderful to see progress in various areas of my life. Now, I want to get back to my running routine again too.

Overall, I am sure there will be setbacks here and there. But I will use the amazing insights and stories from this forum and my doctor to stay on course.

Feeling pretty good for now and will post my 1 week surgery anniversary tomorrow. Happy 4th to everyone, please take care.
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 04 Jul 2022, 10:35

Yeah man. I've had difficulty getting erections :groan: . Thought I was the only one. I stopped dating and I'm currently living in hardcore monk mode. I go to work, come home, buy groceries and that's it.
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

July 2022 Botox injection under anesthesia
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 04 Jul 2022, 11:06

It is a truly legitimate concern and travesty to lose the ability to engage in any sexual activities during the hell this condition causes. It adds to the depression. With all the spasms and pain, there is no mood or basic ability to be sexually active.

It’s just nice to be moving in the right direction in terms of healing and taking back life.

My heart goes out to all of those who suffer with this. It’s a condition I never knew anything about and had never heard of. But I will always stay around these forums and be a positive voice when possible from now on. Everyone here needs the support, advice, reassurance, and positivity. It’s a bleak place to be when you think you are alone in this. And thanks for sharing Dust!
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Rlt78 » 05 Jul 2022, 08:36

Day 8 - Officially 1 week ago today I had LIS and a fistula repaired. I had a bit of a feeling I had a fistula going into the surgery, oddly when I passed gas pre surgery it was like I sometimes had gas going from two different holes. It was a very bizarre feeling and painful at times and didn’t develop till late in my fissure time and close to my surgery thankfully.

I’m feeling strikingly better today than pre surgery and each day after surgery has been an improvement. No crazy spasms after BMs, no fistula feelings, no more intense bouts of intense pains for hours. This morning I had my usual BMs and did have some minor slight stinging sensation during the process but it quickly faded. I have not required any pain meds of any kind the past two days.

I still feel a bit of pressure, and slight soreness in the area but it’s becoming less each day. I’m striving to have 4 sitz baths a day and a couple of showers and being sure to dry the area well.

I have been able to move around fairly well the past day and increasing the speed of my walks. Slowly building myself up back to running.

I still have some leakage. It seems to be less than the first days. I’m not overly concerned with this.

I have my follow up on 7/20 and hoping for the best.

I was super nervous and anxious going into my surgery a week ago, but the surgery itself was a breeze and recovery has been better than expected. At this point I am glad I had the surgery.

I will be hanging around but I will post again in weekly intervals. Please take care everyone! I wish you all a pain free and enjoyable life!
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Re: 44 male, TX, LIS scheduled 6/28/22

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 07 Jul 2022, 10:20

Are you able to run errands or do you rely on your wife? I live alone and one of my concerns is if I should stockpile a bunch of food and other supplies before the surgery if I can't get out of the condo. :thankyou: :Rock:
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

July 2022 Botox injection under anesthesia
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