6 week after LIS - still not healed

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Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby Guest » 05 Jul 2011, 15:39

val wrote: heal, split, heal, split for the past 3 years, I just kind of live with it, and be very happy when it's in "healed-mode!"

val, and how long "heal" and "split" periods last?

Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby Guest » 05 Jul 2011, 15:51

val, one more question - did you have new fissures every time or it always was re-tear of old one?

Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby Guest » 05 Jul 2011, 18:15

Hey Sovel,
I hope this thread helps put your mind at ease.I have read of others seeing blood from time to time after LIS.
Hopefully you are just a little slower in your healing!

Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby Guest » 06 Jul 2011, 03:28

Many thanks, Dawn :D

Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby happyass » 06 Jul 2011, 13:54

hi sovel,
so you are 8 weeks post LIS.
as i read your posts, you seem to be writing with little hints of improvement but still at a loss about why you are bleeding and feeling a bit tender.
focus on the good steps in your recovery after LIS: less to no pain on BM, feel better than before LIS, etc.
healing will be different for each and every one of us.
i am not sure if you only had LIS or additional procedures.
there is always a possibility that some will need a 2nd LIS; even at my four week check-up, my CRS was somewhat judgemental that i was healing very slowly and even suggested that if i wanted to do a 2nd LIS...um, despite not doubting to ever wait and do this surgery again...i wasn't quite convinced that my body had completed its healing. she even did an anoscope exam (she runs those things twice each time i visit her) and as much as there was some pain associated with that visit, there was none on the 3.5 month visit.
my original CRS told me that it would take about 6-8 weeks for surgery to put things in place but about 4-6 months for things to actually heal nicely. during this time, everything is changing and healing.
i would hate for you to work yourself up in anxiety and get depressed about your surgery because of high expectations either from your part or the CRS in underestimating healing times/rates or overstating the wonders of LIS so quickly.
even at 3.5 months, i had odd things although bleeding was never an issue for me post LIS.
at 5.5 months, i am happy to say that i am like pre-fissure days now. everything is back to normal even if i do eat FiberOne Shredded wheat squares with fruit in the morning and enjoy my Metamucil wafers as a snack here and there.
i hope you continue to think positive thoughts and take it day by day.
i think once you take a step back from reading all these posts and challenges that others have, you give yourself some air to breathe, you can feel a bit better.
of course, we love to have you here for support and to get support but while healing after LIS, it can be a challenge to read everything on this board. especially, if you are the type of person that internalizes the posts and wonders if it can or is happening to you.
since you are 8 weeks out, are you doing any exercise?
what other things are you doing now that you weren't/couldn't pre-LIS?
big hugs to you,
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Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby val » 06 Jul 2011, 14:06

I'm not sure if they were the same tears or new tears - they were always in the same place though, so I assume old tears.
I would have a few weeks pain free, then it would come back and last a week or two.
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Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby Guest » 06 Jul 2011, 14:25

thanks, happyass. I agree with you completely and your post help me a lot to look on things differently. I will try to think positively. My high expectations came from my CRS and many readings about fissure treatment and LIS. Thanks again.

Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby pakistanidude » 21 Apr 2013, 02:25

:) hi :( on january 2013 dr. operated my anal fissure using closed lis ,now April but i still feel discomfort,specially in jeans sometimes its so itchy unbearable :( ... dr in last check up said stop using sodium picosulphate regularly as he prescribed use it only whenever there r chances of constipation or u r constipated, but i am using it regularly , whenever i quit it ,the next p..p give me discomfort. (history) : i was suffering from fissure since 3 years in hostel life where i was on rough diet (lack of knowledge and stressful life never le me think about this sh*t) ,i tried gtn treatment under dr advice twice but failed ,changed eating habitsput fibre in my daily diet etc ,started sitz bath while trying to heal from creams,stoool softners but no use ... i always try to eat fibres and drink lot of water now ....my q's is its my 4 month after lis ,i should feel normal but it is not ,although before lis my condition was pity ,i used to weep from intense pain and now i feel much better but still anxietious, the surgry gave me intense pain for few days but it went away ,but discomfort a bit spasm still there ,advice me cool world :(
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Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby pakistanidude » 21 Apr 2013, 02:28

val go for botex injection .....try it ,may it work as u need a little more support to get rid of it :)
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Re: 6 week after LIS - still not healed

Postby ravians » 21 Apr 2013, 05:14

sorry to hear that u r still not comfortable but dont get discouraged u will heal just keep ur diet as before. how many fissures did u have n what was ur experience of pain in 4 days post lis
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