After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that ok?

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Re: After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that

Postby mehdisa » 18 May 2014, 14:31

Dewlilly wrote:Hi mehdisa I had discharge after my fistulotomy and seton were done and it smelled the whole way through ... I did not have an infection or anything and I was told the smell was normal as it's the infected fistula track dissolving basically ... I had pus discharge for the whole 6 wks after the surgery and then once the seton was removed another week and a bit it leaked .... If the area is red around the wound and warm and painful more so then normal that would mean infection also ... But my discharged smelled too from day 1 ... Hope things settle for you :)

thanks alot Dear Dewlilly
as i understand ,in your opinion ,the infection is the red area around the wound with warm and pain. and odor smelly discharge that i have from the first day after opration is maybe normal.???
the strange thing is my doctor didnt use setton in the surgery opration.!! he told me on his first visit the day after the opration in hospital.!
maybe because of my main problem was painful anal fissure with pus that became fistula,he said before the opration.
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Re: After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that

Postby Dewlilly » 18 May 2014, 14:59

Yeah if u notice the skin area around the wound is red or getting redder and feels hot then those too are signs of infection ... I'm sure a smell is normal considering a fistula hols in the infections but as to what degree I'm not sure ... If your concerned with it maybe get it checked just to be safe can't hurt :)
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Re: After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that

Postby joey » 01 Sep 2015, 08:43

I had fistulotomy last August 17,2015 but until now still discharge pus is that ok?im worrying about my condition.i do sitz baths 3x a day.but still discharge long is the healing time for my surgery?
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Re: After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that

Postby praty » 18 Jun 2016, 07:58

Hi All,

I'm facing similar situation. I've had a perianal abscess which was very painful. I was hardly able to walk/sit properly, i.e. reduced to no movement. On the day of the surgery. it burst out on its own but then also I went for the surgery which was alright and the whole area was drained and cleaned. The surgery was done on 18th February, 2016 and the wound almost healed in 8-9 weeks but then I started experiencing pain in the same region after almost 10 weeks of the surgery. There was also a bit of pain and discharge coming through. I went to my CRS again, and after undergoing MRI scan, I was told that it was a low fistula. He further explained that 50% of abscess turn into fistula so that's pretty normal. I just wanted to get rid of all this pain and so I decided to undergo another surgery (called fistulectomy) on 17th May which was less painful than the previous one. The wound has healed properly in about a month and only a small bit is left now. I'm taking sitz baths twice every day and still taking laxative to avoid constipation. I'm also having daily dressings. The healing has been fine until last week and now, I'm experiencing discharge and similar pain (inflammation and needle like pain like before being diagnosed with abscess) after every bowel movement. There isn't any blood in the discharge but there are some stool particles. There are also some brown/yellow coloured stuffs which looks like puss with foul smell. Is that normal or is there any chance that I might have another fistula/abscess? I'm a bit worried as I don't want to go through all of that again. Last 6-7 months have been really painful.

Any help/suggestions/tips is greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: After Fistula Surgery, but still discharge pus. Is that

Postby Karim » 15 Jun 2017, 18:09

Hello all,

Everyones road to recover will be different and unfortunately, very unpredictable. I had an internal and external fissure treated with botox, fistula repair and abscess drainage done on December 19, 2016 (all caused by not hydrating enough before/after workouts). As of today, I am still experiencing some leakage of a light yellow mucus substance (6 months post). Its getting better but this whole process can take up to 2 years for 10% of those who underwent this type of surgery (not something most surgeons will tell you). I am currently 75% healed and can tell you that it can be a long road to full recovery. I started working out again 2 weeks ago (running) and while it can be painful and sore (down there), the mental reward has me back to being positive. You have to look at your healing progress as a two-three week cycle (not daily) and believe that you will recover. The human body is designed to recover from trauma.

Hang in there, drink lots of water, eat well and don't let this experience define you. I found that the more I have been going back to my old routines the better I feel and I hope the same for everyone commiserating on this board.
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