After LIS

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 03 Sep 2013, 23:06

igrik1986 wrote:You was healed by 10.07. Did you re tore?
I don't put this together.

Yes, i was almost healed but not completely. Had constipation and a stressful day because of my IBS. It tored so badly.
It keeps happening all the time. i keep recovering and taring it at some point. I lost so much weight pre-LIS - 27 yrs old - 110 pounds. Each and everything problem - keeps contributing and kicks me away from recovering peacefully. I started taking stool softner and entering normal diet now. Hope it keeps me away from constipation and hard stools from now on.
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Re: After LIS

Postby pinpin » 11 Nov 2013, 03:04

How are you these days?
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 20 Nov 2013, 22:17

Hello igrik1986,

I am doing OK. I had my colonoscopy and endoscopy lately for my IBS. My gastreo told that my fissure is almost healed (but still looks to be there). The prostatitis (non bacterial Pelvic pain) which got triggered because of the fissure stress is driving me to hell. Supplements reduces the symptoms. But i am out of my normal social life which i used to live before. The prostate pain sometimes gets radiated all over and i get a sharp - brief pain somewhere inside my anus or probably in rectum. :verysad:

It is a strong fact by experience that urethral sphincter is very much connected to the anal sphincter which gives all the pain while contraction. All i am doing as of now is giving up the ejaculation - which i believe is the only way to lead a less painful day.

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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 03 Jan 2014, 21:26

I was refraining from masturbation for past 2 weeks to avoid my prostatitis pain. Had severe constipation (brick hard stool) 2 days before which tore my anus with light bleeding. From that day early morning, till i have my bowel movement - going through horrible pain above my penis (somewhere in the prostate or bladder area). Once i pass the stool i get relieved. Never had this scenario and this much worst pain which made me to kneel down and hold my lower abdomen.

Not sure if it is because of holding my ejaculation or constipation brought so much strain to the pelvic area or my prostate is more inflamed now. :-( I just can't bare it. In spite of taking the supplements - all these happening for past 2 days. Please help me, if anyone came through this situation.
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