After LIS

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After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 26 Jun 2013, 17:25

I had my LIS and fissurectomy done two weeks before. I had pain for two days and i started healing after that. After 3 days, i had a constipation with hard stool - which tore the skin with bleeding and swelling.
My doc asked me to wait for 3 more weeks and let the wound (swelling + cut) heal. I am using stool softener + sitz + high fiber food and it helps. But still when i pass the bulk stool, initially it brings little bleeding from the fissure area on the back side of anus. If i drive a little long, it makes the wound look more ripped.
I am 28. I have not masturbated for past 2 weeks. Is it safe to have masturbation at this point as i have the urge?
I had fissure a year before which got healed in a week with NTG ointment. But this year it came after my flu + diarrhea + weight loss. Which pushed me to LIS as NTG didn't help for long time.
LIS and fissurectomy helped me to come out of the bad fissure pain i had before. But the healing part does not look convincing.
Let me know about your thoughts.
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Re: After LIS

Postby suzyljank » 26 Jun 2013, 20:20

Hi, you're really early in your recovery so give it some time. I'm 8 weeks out from a double flap procedure and it's slow going but improving. Be really careful with fiber. Too much can cause constipation too especially if you don't drink enough liquid. It can also bulk up the stool too much. Do you have much of a discharge from the wound. Keeping gauze on that helps keep the area dry and that's what you need to do because it can really irritate the sensitive skin there. The bleeding you are seeing is normal. I still had a little blood at 7 weeks so don't panic. Sitting for long periods of time can also be uncomfortable, your bum is going to be sensitive for a while because of the fissurectomy. Do you have stitches? They can also make the area feel tight and pinch and pull. Keep taking your stool softener and drinking lots of liquids and try cutting back just a bit on the fiber and see how it goes. I think you just need to give yourself time to heal. Take care of yourself and I hope you heal soon. Suzy
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 26 Jun 2013, 21:34

I am taking lots of liquid as advised after surgery. I will try to cut down on fiber supplement mix. I believe i am already taking lots of fiber through fruits and vegetables. I have a selective diet because of my IBS. The bulk stool is the hurdle i am going through. Even though the stool is soft, the bulkiness rips the skin off.
I don't have much bleeding. When i clean up after the BM, i get little bleeding from the wound. I have tucks with me, but have not used it after surgery. I will try to use gauze.
I don't have any stitches. Only the blood red swelling and torn skin at the back of anus.
Image and Wishing you a speedy recovery.
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 10 Jul 2013, 10:07

I am almost healed now. Just wanted to share the experience.
1. High fiber fruits and food to keep the stool soft.
2. Lots of physical activity. Just walking and regular work is enough. No need to be aggressive.
3. No need of fiber supplements if we are following a regular food chart.
4. Low fat Diary products.
5. Multivitamins and minerals.
6. Sitz bath - Twice a day to relax the muscles.
7. Protein rich foods.
8. Never lifted heavy items after surgery.
9. Avoided spicy foods for IBS.
10. Lots of liquids and coconut water.
11. No to Bland diet.
12. Patience and positive approach.
Now, i have developed non-bacterial Prostatitis. I am wondering if it is because of the stress and strain on the pelvic floor caused by the fissure all these months. Did anyone went through this situation? Please share your experience.
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Re: After LIS

Postby GeorgeTheCatMan » 10 Jul 2013, 17:28

Hello. I'm glad that you're starting to feel better, but I'm really sorry to hear about the non-bacterial prostatitis. I've had non-bacterial prostatitis for about eight years so I know how distressing that it can be. I was diagnosed was an anal fissure back in January. I'm terrified of having the LIS procedure due to the prostatitis because it can cause urinary retention. It's my belief that LIS can lead to the prostatitis due to the urinary sphincter being affected by the LIS. When they do LIS, at least from what I've read, they cut the internal anal sphincter. I was told by a urologist who has a sub-specialty in non-bacterial prostatitis (also know as chronic pelvic pain syndrome), that cutting the anal sphincter can have an effect on the urethal sphincter therefore causing or worsening pelvic pain syndrome. If possible, try to find a urologist who is knowledgeable about pelvic pain, and get his/her input about a possible connection between the LIS and the pelvic pain. I've posted a link that you might find interesting here:
Most people who have fissures, hemorrhoids, non-bacterial prostatitis are often under much stress before the onset of symptoms and many have all of these conditions. Good luck.
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 10 Jul 2013, 18:28

I started getting the symptoms before the surgery itself. So i am not sure, if this could be because of the surgery. May be the pressure or strain caused by the fissure i had all these months. Hope you feel better.
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 31 Aug 2013, 23:27

I am returning to post my status....It's been 3 months after my LIS...My fissure is still the same...My IBS is contributing a lot in making the progress worst....My diet is very mild to prevent stomach upset.....I am on fiber rich food and stool softner....I am out of my prostatitis now after 1 month antibiotic and prostate supplement.
Is there any supplements or advise anyone can suggest to get out of this fissure? I m totally out of my normal life and away from social life....
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Re: After LIS

Postby smiles » 01 Sep 2013, 14:30

Do you know what you are allergic to? I don't have IBS but eating gluten and dairy really affects my digestion. You should try to cut out these foods because they cause inflammation for most people. Maybe you could also try aloe vera or ginger..both help with digestion and inflammation :) Hope that helps!
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Re: After LIS

Postby aadhi77 » 01 Sep 2013, 15:25

I was already under weight for my age and I lost 12 pounds weight because of the stress, flu, dehydration Pre - LIS. I need calcium and fat to get some energy, so i can keep myself up. I take only lactose free milk and low fat cheese. Gastric problem is in top of my list, it keeps me toasting through out the day - which gives so much pressure to my anal sphincter. Even if i don't strain or stress - these factor keep contributing. Image 
Already i am out of oil and spices to keep my IBS bowel calm. I am 27 and i don't have heart to quit anymore food. Image 
I was about to buy aloe vera today. Even you mentioned it now. Looking for all possible ways and trying my best to get out of this hell. Image
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Re: After LIS

Postby pinpin » 03 Sep 2013, 06:44

You was healed by 10.07. Did you re tore?
I don't put this together.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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