I had my LIS and fissurectomy done two weeks before. I had pain for two days and i started healing after that. After 3 days, i had a constipation with hard stool - which tore the skin with bleeding and swelling.
My doc asked me to wait for 3 more weeks and let the wound (swelling + cut) heal. I am using stool softener + sitz + high fiber food and it helps. But still when i pass the bulk stool, initially it brings little bleeding from the fissure area on the back side of anus. If i drive a little long, it makes the wound look more ripped.
I am 28. I have not masturbated for past 2 weeks. Is it safe to have masturbation at this point as i have the urge?
I had fissure a year before which got healed in a week with NTG ointment. But this year it came after my flu + diarrhea + weight loss. Which pushed me to LIS as NTG didn't help for long time.
LIS and fissurectomy helped me to come out of the bad fissure pain i had before. But the healing part does not look convincing.
Let me know about your thoughts.