Early April 2015 I started having extreme pain during a BM and for several hours afterwards. I normally have around 3 BMs a day so I was in pain most of the day. I assumed it would just go away but by July I finally went to see a doctor. He confirmed I have an anal fissure and recommended I see a colon surgeon, who would be able to do a better exam. I wasn’t sure if I had hemorrhoids or an anal fissure so it was at least good to know what I had. I do not know how I got this, most likely by pushing too hard during a BM.
The colon doctor recommended two things: increase fiber and take RECTIV, which he wrote a prescription for. I am an over 40 year old male and have been on a vegan diet for many years and thought I was getting enough fiber. The doctor suggested 29 grams a day and recommended having a large bowl of a high fiber cereal such as All-Bran (he called it “rabbit food” :).
I noticed in the cereal aisle that not all high fiber cereals are created equal. Definitely read the ingredients and try to avoid the high sugar ones. I like All-Bran and was able to buy a case of it from Walmart it a discounted price. Also I put some honey on it to improve the taste.
I got the RECTIV and was shocked how much money it was. Also you need to insert the RECTIV inside the anus (about a 1/2 inch in my doctor said) to have the best effect. RECTIV could have side effects and as awkward and uncomfortable as it was for me to apply the RECTIV, I did it because I wanted to get better. I did it twice a day, morning and night and used up the whole tube.
I have been healed for many months now and here are some pointers that may help you (they helped me but I am not a doctor so take whatever I am saying as what worked for me):
· I ate a lot of fiber and drank a lot of water. You have to drink a lot of water too otherwise BMs will be extremely painful with all of that fiber.
· The hardest part for me was the constant pain. At one point for a whole week my back was killing me, I have no idea why but I am confident it was related to the fissure. I am not a pill taker but finished a bottle of Tylenol over a period of weeks. As a mentioned, I am also not a doctor so take everything I am saying in this post as what worked for me, it may be different for you…)
· I had setbacks. I found when I ate fried or spicy food my BMs hurt more and opened up the wound. It is so frustrating to go through a few days feeling good and then take a giant step backwards. But it feels great again when it is healed.
· I had a very stressful week during the summer and that had a negative impact on the fissure as well. So a reduction in stress and a positive attitude work their magic too.
· I felt it healing little at a time, so it requires an incredible amount of patience and in some dark corner a sense of humor (singing while inserting the RECTIV seemed to help me).
· I think more now when I have a BM. I try not to strain, slow and steady.
Hope this helps you – this forum helped me.