Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 07 Jun 2017, 14:08

Day 2 summary. Food: oatmeal porridge with a sliced pear for breakfast, pea and ham about for lunch, half a punnet of strawberries and a scoop of vanilla ice cream as an afternoon snack, oven baked chicken breast with ham and cheese, sweet potato wedges and peas for dinner.
No BMs so far and I'm very bloated and uncomfortable. I've been able to pass some wind but I don't want to force it.
I've been for a ten minute and a 15 minute walk.
I've been sitting up on the sofa for around two hours and I sat by the dining table for lunch and dinner and it wasn't uncomfortable.
I'd say I have mild discomfort now but it's not painful and I've not taken any painkillers since the one ibuprofen at 11.30am.
I had a shower and there's been less bleeding since I washed the area. I get a tiny amount of pink discharge on the paper after I pee. I'm worried what it will be like after the first BM though.
I took one Laxido this morning and will have another sachet tonight. That will hopefully keep things nice and soft.

To summarise, I feel a lot better than I thought today. My main complaint is being very bloated.
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby patience_and_healing » 07 Jun 2017, 23:45

Just a thought, could the bloating be a side effect of the anesthesia? I guess it slows things down and maybe gas gets stuck in there in the process. Glad to hear your pain is not high!
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 08 Jun 2017, 03:16

I think it was a side effect of the general anaesthetic. I had a couple of good farts later last night and then again this morning and I feel much better now. I've also had my first post surgery BM and it didn't really hurt. It felt a bit weird but not pain. There was no visible blood on the BM and I only saw a small about on the paper when I did a quick dab before I walked upstairs. It did burn in the wound after the fissurectomy until I'd made my way upstairs to the shower. I went to the powder room downstairs as I wasn't sure whether I'd have a BM or not and had to walk to the third floor to clean off.
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Jun 2017, 05:55

Sound so like it's all going to plan and you are having a text book recovery. Glad the first BM is out of the way with no pain.
Yes think the anesthetic can do that to us but at least it's all out now lol
Very happy for you
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 08 Jun 2017, 07:57

Thank you MPB!
I've had another BM and it was runny. I was at least in the ensuite for that BM so no need to walk through the house to clean off. :) It wasn't painful but my bum is a bit sore since the first BM. I've taken some paracetamol and I'm a little uncomfortable but I don't think it's too bad given it's only been two days since the surgery.
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 08 Jun 2017, 15:03

Day 3 summary. Food: oatmeal porridge with a sliced pear for breakfast, two slides of seeded batch toast with cheese for lunch, lasagna for dinner and strawberries as a snack.

I've had two BMs. The first was soft and formed and was fairly painless. A small amount of blood on the wipe off before I showered. The second one was runny and also painless. A small amount of blood on the wipe off. I haven't had any sitzbaths as I clean off in the shower. My CRS said that's fine. I had a small amount of blood in the toilet after I peed after I'd been sitting for almost two hours. I just wear my regular underwear and haven't had any spotting in them so far. I had some discomfort after the BMs for a few hours. I've taken 2*250mg of paracetamol twice today.

I haven't been for a walk as the weather was awful.

I took one sachet of Laxido after breakfast and will take another one later.

Zero episodes of House of Cards today. I watched one episode of The Blacklist instead. ;)
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby missy moo » 08 Jun 2017, 21:31

Hey uk_bum so happy to read your story so far things seem to be going really well for you this gives me hope. Thanks for starting your journey of recovery here so people like me can see the outcome. Mpb is this text book recovery? So it's more then likely a really good surgery for most? Do you know a percentage of good vs bad overcomes given what people have said on this sight over time? Thanks heaps.
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 09 Jun 2017, 13:24

Day 4 summary. Food: oatmeal porridge with a sliced pear for breakfast, a quarter broccoli and cheese quiche and salad for lunch, a variety of tapas for dinner, pear and half a punnet of strawberries as snacks.

I've had six, yes SIX, BMs today. It seems like my bowel isn't back to normal yet after the general anaesthetic. The BMs don't hurt but the fissurectomy site burns until I've cleaned off and it's been uncomfortable all day. I haven't had any blood or discharge on the wipe offs today.

I took 0.75 sachets of Laxido this morning and will take one tonight.

I've taken 500mg paracetamol twice today. I've spent most of the day laying down on the sofa. I've been out for one 15 minute and one 20 minute walk. I'm ok sitting at the moment but I need to sit on a pillow on the sofa cushion as the sofa sushion sags a bit and that's uncomfortable. I also get slight discomfort when I get up. The discomfort is very similar to what I had in the early days of the fissure minus the extreme spasms. I'm not surprised as the fissurectomy created a new fresh fissure. My CRS told me to expect fissure pain after the surgery and I'm experiencing that.

I try to be patient but it's not going great. I'm a little frustrated as I had no pain at all for four weeks prior to the surgery. I'm very pleased that the sentinel pile is gone and I'm going to give it two weeks after surgery until I start to really complain if I still experience discomfort then. :)

Zero episodes of anything today but I've watched the news all day given the surprise election result (though I told the anaesthetist that this was what I expected when he asked me how it would turn out right before he knocked me out).
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby missy moo » 09 Jun 2017, 23:24

Hang in there it would be harder considering you had no pain before hand. At least your cleaned out now. Im still waiting for my appointment haven't heard anything yet. still have a sire pain back there for half the day. Keep up the good work an let us know how tomorrow goes.
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Re: Botox, Sentinel Pile Removal and Fissurectomy Diary

Postby Bum_UK » 10 Jun 2017, 15:03

Missy Moo, do you have any idea when they'll get back to you?
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