Can't Deal

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Can't Deal

Postby conniptionfit » 29 Jul 2018, 05:10

Hi, friends! Long time sufferer, lurker, so on so forth. To make a long story short, I've had about a million procedures done and as of Thursday last week, it was decided that my chute is just too tight. SO FUN. However, during the exam and ultrasound (they thought I had a rectocele, I did not, I just cannot empty my bowel properly because I am just far too anal,) I believe it severely aggravated my bum's normal response of "You wanted a fissure? How about 12."

Now I've had chronic fissures for years, but never this bad. I am to the point I have stopped eating to avoid a bowel movement, and every time I go, I am on the verge of vomiting. This is, mind you, with: Recticare (lidocaine), nupercainal (dibucaine), vaseline, metamucil in my system, nothing but liquids, and acetaminophen. I am the OPPOSITE of constipated, which is a huge part of the problem-- my IBS is very active due to anxiety over the whole thing. Flood gates are opened and aggressive.

I'm not quite sure what else there is to do at this point, I've tried everything I know how to do and have read what TO do. I can't begin to try and describe this pain-- and I've BEEN THROUGH SOME PAIN. Sitz baths do nothing, really, the medications I have do nothing-- I do not know how long I have to wait for these things to heal, and it's (technically) sunday morning, so I have no doc to speak to until potentially monday, if I'm lucky, unless I go to the ER. Which I'd like to avoid... Maybe I should just hop by there, but last time I went there for a 'rectal' issue, they couldn't do anything for me.

I suppose I am just wondering if there are any magical things I have not thought of, or perhaps a suggestion to head to the ER or something to last me this next day and a half or so until I can talk to my regular doctor would calm me. Hearing that someone else has nearly though they were dying trying not to eat so that they didn't have to have a bowel movement and knowing I'm not alone, here, haha. (I'm losing my mind, I'm so hungry for actual food :( )

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Re: Can't Deal

Postby hurtinend » 29 Jul 2018, 15:25

sorry you are suffering

First off you must eat. Not eating will only cause further issues.

So you are tight but not constipated? Do you have IBS-D? And....a fissure?

You don't mention what procedures you've had. Things that could be done are dilation, Botox...

I don't know that going to the ER would help....they don't deal well with this type of issue, trust me I know.
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby conniptionfit » 29 Jul 2018, 17:34

Well I tried to post a full reply to this and got a syntax error so that's fun. :groan:

Agghh.. um let's see. As far as eating. What I mean is, I'm eating crackers, having protein shakes, metamucil mix, Gatorade, and lots of water. I'm not completely starving myself. And yes I mean IBS-D.

Where procedures go, I had a colonoscopy around November, at 29, 30 now, (dad had colon cancer very young) and then a couple months ago this whole 'can't empty bowel' thing started. My doc assumed rectocele, but the MRI seemed to be wrong after a physical exam. Was told colonoscopy could cause this issue, where your bum just decides too much has happened and it doesn't want to loosen up. Makes sense. My ass has been through a lot.

I've had issues with fissures for a long time though, (this is BY FAR the worst I've ever had) and after one doc's constant solution was to cauterize them, I saw another. His solution was simply to place some cotton between my rumpus, and wow, imagine that, they were like 90% better. Flareups only when I had a bad case of IBS or invasive doc appt, like this past week.

So I suppose that's the full to-do. My bf brought home some more recticare however, and I was able to have a bm without excruciating pain. Maybe the tube I had was older? Or maybe it's getting a little better.. idk. If I can make it to tomorrow I can probably talk to my doc, so I'm just trying to get through till then.
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby Fja » 30 Jul 2018, 17:13

Im so sorry your going through this! I feel I'm may be in same situation as you but ive been "too tight" down there most of my life....I cant have bm unless I manually extract my stool :( weak pelvic floor has been my diagnosis. What I dont understand is how anal fissures are suppose to heal when I have to have a bowel movement the way I do... I pray you get some relief!
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby Allthepain » 30 Jul 2018, 19:26

Have you seen a specialist about getting the LIS surgery? I haven't had it myself, but I know it's the ultimate fix for many people with this issue.

I haven't heard of anyone cauterizing or adding cotton. The main treatments I know of are LIS, botox, and Diltiazem creams.
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby conniptionfit » 31 Jul 2018, 08:58

Fja, that's been my problem and solution for a while. Absolute. Nightmare. Can't do anything normal. Hence they assumed rectocele, but was this whole "too tight" nonsense. As of today I'm feeling a lot better, but I'm scared it'll come back pretty easy now. Certainly something to consider.. they told me I need physical therapy but that's absolutely the last thing I want to do pt for :rofl: Anal kegels.. ah well such is life I guess.. I will have to see what that entails before I consider surgery. I'm only 30, I'd rather avoid more surgery if I can :silent:
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby Fja » 31 Jul 2018, 09:44

I'm 42 and want surgery to be my last option as well...right now at this point I'm almost desperate. Pain is so very unbearable. Every day is a constant struggle. I'm,somewhat ok until I have bm then its all down hill from there for the rest of day. Can't sit, stand, lay down with out feeling like I have a burning match stuck to my bum. I pray for your complete recovery
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby hurtinend » 31 Jul 2018, 12:02

I've recommended this to others in the past:

sitting on cold gel packs helps a lot with the pain.

Nope, far from a fix but it has seen me through some very dark times.
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby mike1971 » 31 Jul 2018, 12:59

You're a good guy Parker. Always trying to help. If I had a wish it would be for you to get well.
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Re: Can't Deal

Postby conniptionfit » 02 Aug 2018, 01:20

I hope your feel better soon, Fja!! My goodness I know how bad it is. I'm only today sort of back to normal, but still very cautious. My doc was really no help (or rather, his staff wasn't :cry: ) So I was left to my own devices, which, thankfully, was you all!! Appreciate you guys!!

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