Coccyx pain after anal surgery off 3.5 months

Coccyx pain after anal surgery off 3.5 months

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Coccyx pain after anal surgery off 3.5 months

Postby Aliaa » 02 Nov 2016, 10:17

I was wondering if any has suffered a coccyx dull/ internal pain?! I sometimes have this pain though I am 3 months and a half post-op. One of the 2 fissures was close to it and I had this dull pain prior to op. I thought it is something wrong with the tailbone itself cuz of sitting down for a long time. But apparently, my crs, after external examination, told me it is because of the fissure. Its pain radiates to the tailbone. And now after surgery, I still have the same dull pain though my second fissure location stops painting me after the surgery. Can one fissure be healed while the other is not?! One is not cut enough while the other is healed?! Or is it a matter of time ?! If you have any idea

How do u feel a re-tear?! Is it through bleeding or just stinginess in the place?! Sorry for too many questions
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Re: Coccyx pain after anal surgery off 3.5 months

Postby owmybum » 12 Nov 2016, 10:23

Yes, I had tail bone pain for a long time. My CRS said it was referred pain. It took a while after surgery to settle down, but eventually it did.
Sometimes, it may feel like a re tare, but it is just the scar tissue getting irritated.
It's a very complex, nerve rich area down there.... Which unfortunately makes things very difficult to diagnose.
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Re: Coccyx pain after anal surgery off 3.5 months

Postby Aliaa » 27 Nov 2016, 21:48

Hi owmybum. Thanks for replying. May I ask how long did it take to heal fr the tailbone pain and did u do some procedures to cure it?! The main af grey pain is almost totally gone after 4-4.5 month. But now I suffer from this pain and the dr diagnosed it as coccyxidya. I have done x-Rays but nothing is shown. The pain is bereable though but if I stand or sit for too long, it kicks so hard. I am using a donut pillow to let the coccyx untouched by any surface. It really I am done with pain. He recommended me cortisoned injections but I am too scared since the pain is tolerable. I used to feel this pain before af surgery and the dr told me it is just the fissure radiating to the tailbone. If the surgery is done, u won't feelit. But it is still there, the tailbone pain. Dunno what to do?! :(
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