Counting Fiber

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Counting Fiber

Postby mypoopyhurtsme » 19 Jul 2007, 20:58

Does anyone else have a hard time keeping exact track of their fiber intake? I get my lunch at this organic buffet place, and I try to guesstimate the amount of fiber I'm eating, but I feel like at the end of the day I could easily be 10g off or more. I don't think I'm ever getting too little fiber...but sometimes I'm not sure if I'm getting 35g or like 50g.
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Re: Counting Fiber

Postby Guest » 19 Jul 2007, 21:12

Oh, yeah. It sure isn't exact with me either. I guestimate usually too. I know and have 1 1/2 cups of All Bran Buds and that has about 26 grams of fiber right there. I figure anything else I eat (fruit, veggies etc) will put me over the top.
I think if you stay in range you don't have to worry about knowing exactly what you get.

Re: Counting Fiber

Postby happyass » 19 Jul 2007, 21:13

the easiest way for me to know that i got at least 39g of fiber was to have that full 1 cup bowl of all bran bran buds. that is 39 g of fiber in 1 cup! put in whatever you like in there and well, anything else that has fiber during the day is just pure bonus.
i wish i had an organic buffet over here!!!!!! damn DC.
nyc has a lot of cool macro/vegetarian/vegan places. that is one thing that i do wish i had here.
the trick though at the end of the day is to make sure you get your minimum of 35-40g each day.
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Re: Counting Fiber

Postby Guest » 09 Aug 2007, 19:46

I've tried a variety of nutrition-tracking software (mainly on my PDA or phone) over the years when I was trying to gain or loose mass.
Most of these programs record fiber as well.
If you're not the type that wants to record everything you eat at every meal, I find keeping a quick note of lunch (or a picture from your phone) is a good way to journal, and then you can put in the specifics at night, or in the morning, when you have time.
I can assuredly say I get between 25-45g of fiber a day -- I try to lean soluble heavy, or I think that anything over 30g would kill me.

Re: Counting Fiber

Postby happyass » 10 Aug 2007, 20:27

the trick is to get the same amount of fiber every day and not fluctuate it.
you want to regulate your body...not send it on a roller coaster waiting for x amt of fiber on day 10 and then y on day 11 and then z on day 12..........
this is a hard part but very important to regulate the poos......
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