CRS Appointment on Monday

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CRS Appointment on Monday

Postby Bum_UK » 02 May 2017, 09:12

I got a referral from my GP last Tuesday. I called Bupa and then the private hospital to make the appointment. I'm slightly annoyed with Bupa though as they don't cover prescription costs. I've also booked an appointment with the GP who prescribed the diltiazem about a month ago. I'm terrified about running out! I don't know how long 30g is supposed to last for. The GP I saw last Tuesday offered to prescribe rectogesic but I'd rather avoid that if possible. Has anyone had nipedifene prescribed in the UK?

I look forward to hearing what the CRS has to say as the GP said I have hemorrhoids and a small fissure at 5 o'clock. He didn't mention skin tags and I'm pretty sure I have at least two or perhaps one and a papillae. I don't want anything done at this stage as my pain is manageable but not as low as prior to the hem incident ten days ago... I'm usually uncomfortable until the early afternoon after my morning BMs but I managed to go for a 45 minute walk this morning despite it being a bit uncomfortable. I've decided it's time to try to do 'normal' things as much as possible despite it being uncomfortable.
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