Diet after LIS?

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Diet after LIS?

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 12:55

So i am 3 Weeks Post LIS now (on Friday its gonna be Week 4!) and i still have a bit pain after BM, not as bad as it was before surgery by any means, but the pain is still there and its kinda driving me mad. So i have 2 Questions.

1.) What is your guys Diet like? I am just eating what i ate before except for no spicy food. Other than that i am drinking aloooot of Water and eating more fiber than before. It seems to work because since my LIS i didnt have had one bad BM. Sometimes i evne go twice a day, BM is never a problem and it never hurts during BM (well it did hurt for 2 weeks after LIS but i didnt worry about that)

And 2) How long does it take till even the smallest pain and discomfort is going away? I dont know how much i should be expecting 3 weeks after LIS, but this is my second one because first didnt work and i am sooo scared that it won't heal. No horror shit stories please. I just need hope and positive vibes now. Doc checked last week and said its looking alright. No infection or something.

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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 16:02

no one?
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby ResMePlz » 03 May 2017, 09:44

I've been eating the same shit I did while having the fissure, but I had chinese one night, pizza, ice cream cheeseburgers. I've been just slowly introducing shit food to see what happens. So far, nothing. I do have to say though, my mindset is still in the fissure pain, so even though I ate those foods, I honestly felt no pleasure because I'm still in he mindset of "if I eat this the consequences aren't worth the taste." I honestly didn't enjoy the food at all. Food now to me is basically a means to stay alive I guess... hope that changes as time goes on.

I'm only 2 weeks so can't answer the other wuestion
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby AJStyles » 03 May 2017, 09:53

I was just at mcdonalds today, dude that shit is tasty as F**k. Enjoy your food dude, you can eat what u want basically just for me as example if i eat at KFC my ass is burning while taking a shit the day after, so i figured out kfc isnt good for me. Everyone has their food weakness i guess, so know what isnt good for you and you can just enjoy the rest
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby ResMePlz » 03 May 2017, 10:05

I know, I wanted to enjoy it, but I just didn't at all. I never really tested what does and doesn't kill my ass because I just stuck to a strict diet that worked (obviously not good enough since I needed LIS but 9 months is enough of that shit). I'm wondering if half the stuff I could have eaten would have been fine for me. But anyway, even if I never ate shitty food again, im just glad the pain is gone...
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby AJStyles » 03 May 2017, 11:05

Can you masturbate? Even though i have this since 8 months, i think back then after lis i could masturbate again after few weeks. I think i did it a week ago and it hurt, also felt uncomftorable. Did u try it yet?
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby ResMePlz » 03 May 2017, 12:21

No I haven't tried, but almost positive it won't hurt because I can finally tighten the muscle all the way without pain. I do have some "spasms" randomly when my muscle will twinge and it'll kind of force me to tighten the muscle up, but it stopped feeling uncomfortable to do that a couple days ago. Honestly though, with all the shit I've been through, I haven't really thought much about masturbating, even though I spend 9/10 of my day in bed still.
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby ResMePlz » 03 May 2017, 12:28

It is getting harder now because I took a lot of drugs the first couple of weeks. The first 7-8 days I honestly can barely remember and it's a major fog because I just drugged out to make the time pass, and it worked like a charm. I've since run out (prescribed and otherwise), and damn the days are so slow going now, and the restlessness is setting in hard. I would go out and just buy some more, but I still can't drive, and I'm not gonna risk the pain of driving 45 mins one way to get it. I have noticed now that I was eating way too much food (munchies). Now that I'm "clean", I find that I have to remind myself to eat now, so today I just had a BM and it's 1:00pm, where before I stopped eating so much I had a BM every morning at exactly 6:00am. I did get scared because I was worried about the opiates binding me up, but it didn't because I doubled up on the stool softener and miralax. But that's my ramble, hope everything clears up for everyone soon!
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby AJStyles » 03 May 2017, 13:32

Do you still have pain after bm if yes how much pain and how long?
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Re: Diet after LIS?

Postby ResMePlz » 03 May 2017, 18:05

Nope pain has been 0 out of 10 and uncomfortableness about 3/10. Mostly the incision site gets raw after washing and drying. Before surgery I've had moments that I personally would consider a 10/10 pain for multiple hours. I'm feeling amazing in the "omg shitting is the worst thing in my life" department!
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