My visit went surprisingly well. Another lesson for me to stop worrying so much about things beforehand!
The doctor took a look at the area from the outside. She said she could only see one small fissure at the posterior location. She couldn't see any other fissures and assumed that I have healed in those locations. The fissure is not scarred, which was surprising for her since I've had this for so long. She said this was probably because I healed at some point but then reinjured it, which is what I think too. The muscle is definitely in spasm, since she couldn't fit a finger in easily.
My next course of action is to change how I'm using the nifedipine ointment. I'm supposed to use a q-tip and apply it while sitting on the toilet. She says right now it's getting smeared everywhere which will eventually cause a rash. I have to take benefiber daily, continue with stool softeners and try to reduce the amount of lactulose. This is because lactulose causes greasy and sticky stools. She suggested maybe trying miralax again but she's not fully in favor of that since it caused burning. Also, no more suppositories since they irritate the fissure by opening it up. And she was very critical of the general doctor who first gave me steroid suppositories to fix this. Said it's most likely because of those that the fissure became worse.

I still get upset when I think about that doc, but I hope I can eventually get over that feeling.
Overall it was a very reassuring visit. She did say that she's not sure that I will heal because it's been so long, but at the same time I'm not a candidate for surgery because my pain levels are so low. She usually operates (LIS) on people who are totally unable to function from the pain. I would end up with more pain from the surgery than from fissure. If I want to do Botox, she can refer me to someone who will do it, but she says that literature shows it's no better than nifedipine.
I'm due to see her in 3 months and I really hope to heal by then. I'm going to do everything I can to help it along.