Hey, thanks for looking. I need advise!!
Back in June 2018 I developed (what I thought) were haemorrhoids, it was so painful that I didn't eat for 10 weeks. If you dont eat you dont poop! Anyways, back then I went for a check and this was painful too and the doctor said it was haemorrhoids.
Since it healed, I have not been able to have anal sex without any pain and bleeding. It's as though it's healed tighter, I can barely get a small dildo inside.
Basically my sex life is currently ruined as I just cant have it. I went to see another surgeon here and after examination he found that I had an anal fissure (that explains the pain) and that it's healed. I explained my sexual preferences to him and he said that a lateral internal sphincterotomy is what I need so that I can again enjoy my sex life.
I have read online, however, that as a gay bottom, this is advised against and I cant find any positives to having it. Has anybody been in the same situation? Did it work for you? Or not?
Could I actually retrain my ass with butt plugs, start small get bigger etc.
From what I gather, because I have a healed anal fissure (scar tissure) it's contracting the internal sphincter (we cant control that) and that's why it's tight.
I'd have the surgery if it works but long term I dont want to be "slack alice" :)
Thanks for any advice given. Pete