Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

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Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby busybrooke3 » 02 Aug 2011, 22:21

Well, tomorrow is D-day. I've been dreading this date and anticipating it, if that makes any sense. It really did help me to read about other peoples experiences, so I will be back to relay mine. My biggest fear is not being able to care for my family in the next few weeks, due to pain. Moms have such a huge job and it is never finished. Actually, this week has been very low pain, so I am trying to wrap my mind around purposely inflicting much more pain on myself through surgery. UGH!
I will be back... I hope Image
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby itpainsme » 02 Aug 2011, 22:51

You will be back and happy that you had the surgery done!! I felt the same way, I was so worried about the surgery and how I would feel afterward. I have four kids and my job is never done. I had the Botox and fistulotomy and an unexpected skin tag removed that he saw while he was in there. I know the fissurectomy is different, but I'm sure you will be fine. I'll be thinking about you, post an update when you can.
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby Guest » 03 Aug 2011, 06:09

Good Luck Brooke! I remember being worried about not being able to take care of my family too. You're right- a moms job is never finished and if you're anything like me, I was on the biggest guilt trip for being sick.
I know it's hard but in the long run you are doing the best you can do by taking care of your health. Everything will be waiting on you when you get well.
As itpainsme said, I am not familiar with fissurectomy/botox. I had LIS/skin tag removed, but I'm sure you will be fine. Image

Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby Deleted User 579 » 03 Aug 2011, 08:29

[font='Verdana']You moms really rock! I don't know how you all do it. My hat's off to you guys! :D
Brooke - good luck with your surgery tomorrow! I know how you feel about the dread and anticipation. I was nervous about the surgery, but really wanted to get it done at the same time too. Don't worry about your family. You are actually doing what is best for them too. No one can function properly with fissure pain and what fissures do to us psychologically really makes it difficult to function even if the pain isn't too bad on particular days. You are doing what you have to do to fix the problem before it gets worse and messes you up too badly, and that definitely counts as taking good care of your family. You're a very brave mom!
Good luck tomorrow - we will be thinking about you and rooting for you! Image [/font]
Deleted User 579

Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby busybrooke3 » 03 Aug 2011, 18:00

Thanks for the kind words you guys! It's so nice to be in touch with people who know exactly what this beast is like and who are so supportive. Image
Well, I have been home now for two hours and in absolutely no pain. I was really expecting something worse, but I am not entirely fooled. They gave me IV pain meds after I woke up because the pain post op was at about a 4. The surgeon said that he removed some hemroids that he ran into, unexpectedly. He did a smooth fissurectomy with botox (no stitches), which made me very happy. I've read that some docs still use stitches and that can trap in fecal matter. I've been able to urinate, but once I start, I can't control the flow. Is that normal? Maybe it has to do with the botox? I had a wonderful anesthesiologist, who made me very comfortable. It seemed like as soon as I fell asleep, the proceedure was done quickly. Everything down there was taped up with gauze, but removing it was not painful.
I am afraid that the pain will rear it's ugly head at some point soon. I have a question for anyone who knows about pain killers. Is Norco (Hydrocodone) an effective pain killer? This is what he perscribed along with Aleve. I hope it is, because I'm so scared that this will get painful, especially during a BM.
I will report back after tomorrows dreaded BM. Image OUCH!! Thanks for reading and listening. It is therapudic emotionally to share my story. Thanks!!
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby Deleted User 579 » 03 Aug 2011, 18:10

Congratulations Brooke! Way to go! I'm sorry I can't answer many of your questions, since I didn't have Botox done and NG is our expert on meds. I hope he can help you out there. Don't forget your stool softeners! I hope you have a great evening!
Deleted User 579

Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 04 Aug 2011, 12:44

Hey BB,
Congrats on getting D-day over with :)
Norco is an effective painkiller. It's the same active ingredients as Vicodin (hydrocodone + Tylenol) but with less of the Tylenol portion (i.e., the opiates:acetaminophen ratio is higher). In fact most folks just call it Vicodin. Aleve is naproxen which is an NSAID just like ibuprofen, and its effects are synergistic with Norco/Vicodin.
As for urination: I had urination difficulties when my fissure was really angry. But in my case, the problem was I could get the urine stream to start, but the pain in my butt would make it too painful to continue "pushing" all of the urine out. This was not after any surgical procedure, and I'm also a dude so the "plumbing" down there probably differs, though, so I'm not certain my experience has much bearing on yours. If the urination oddness was just temporary, it may just be because you're still numb from the anesthesia, or maybe you just had a lot of pee stored up from the IV?
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby busybrooke3 » 04 Aug 2011, 16:52

Thanks for the info on the meds. That was much more than my doctor told me. Actually, today is not a good day. I've decided to stop the Norco due to dizziness and BAD headache, but mostly constipation!!! I had a small BM but really had to push hard. I'm worried that I could have torn something. Even in passing gas I have to push like crazy. I thought botox would take care of that tight muscle? I've been taking Miralax 2x a day, stool softners and 8 prunes 2 x a day, so I really shouldn't be constipated. The pain is bad, but not as bad as the fissure on a bad day. I will try to control it with Tylenol. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby itpainsme » 04 Aug 2011, 23:26

I am sorry to hear today was not a good day. I know what you mean about being scared of the Norco causing constipation. I had hydrocodone and only took one pill the day after my surgery due to the fear of constipation. Can you take Ibuprofen? That seemed to help me better than Tylenol and it is not constipating either. It also helps with inflammation. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Hang in there, it will get better.
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Re: Here I go...Fissurectomy & botox tomorrow:(

Postby Guest » 05 Aug 2011, 13:02

Hey Brooke,
I've read the botox can sometimes take awhile to kick in. I believe a week- week and 1/2 to get the effects... Hopefully you will get some relief soon.

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