by AnxiousRN » 25 Sep 2017, 18:14
I currently have an anal skin tag which I believe is from an anal fissure from before. Recently, Im having large dry BMs. One time I had a BM and felt something tore along my anus. It was painful. There was a spec of bright red blood on the TP. And there was a light streak of blood on the stool. A few days ago, I had another large BM and i had again blood on the TP but this time it was more blood than before. It eventually stopped after a few wipes. But my anus felt sore, and there was stinging pain after the BM. I did sitz baths after. Today, I had BM, it was normal size but again I felt something tearing again while I pooped. There was no blood on the TP but when I stood up after a sirz bath, there was blood in the water. I tried to view my anus using my phone and I see a very small spec of red along the anal wall, it seems like theres blood on it. Could this be an anal fissure? I need help how to cure it naturally. My doc gave me hydrocortisone cream with analgesic but im afraid to use it often. It can cause the anal wall to thin out right?