So, I saw my CRS today and she did a full exam. Thankfully it wasn't at all painful. The good news is that my fissure and incision site are all healed and I was not having any spasms at all!!
The bad news is she isn't sure why I'm still having the burning pain.
Last Thursday and Friday were pretty good days. I was able to sit with little to no pain. Even at my computer chair and in my car which are normally the worst. Saturday morning my bm was a little sticky and it required a little extra wiping which is a bit irritating. We took our girls to the zoo later and it was a tiny bit irritated but not too bad. It was not a hot day either. My husband and I were intimate
Saturday night and Sunday I had the burning pain again. I looked later that day and it looked red and inflamed again.
I don't know what's going on.
I started the cream my husband made up for me Sunday night. Today it still feels like it's chaffed and burning to me but my CRS couldn't find any redness today. I haven't looked since Monday so I don't know. I started my period Tuesday as well.
She wants me to use the cream he made all the time, which I hate as that can feel irritating as well. Everything just feels wet and squishy. She wants me to see if that clears this up. If so, I guess it's just some rash I'm getting. I don't know why though. I've never had any rash on my butt before my fissure. Ever. So why now?
If it doesn't clear up, she wants to send me to a dermatologist. She said she's had patients before who would get red and inflamed every month before their period. They were women who were approaching menopause which I probably am. Something to do with change in bowel ph and they would just have to use Desitin or something for that week every month. I don't know if that's my problem since I've never had this before I had a fissure.
She also didn't think this was nerve pain. That kind of surprised me as I thought you could possibly have nerve pain for quite some time after LIS.
So, basically no answers although I was very happy to hear everything had healed.
Still feeling so discouraged and wondering if I'll ever be normal again. I was so hopeful LIS would do the trick since my resting pressure was so high before surgery.